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22 minutes ago, halonatic13 said:

This SHOULD be the uniform for years to come.


Why? Other than 79, 82 and 86  that uniform was worn by a mediocre loser of an organization for nearly  over 2 decades.


I hope so, i for one have never liked the all reds.  
That look is who we are as an organization, its what i always think of when this comes up.
It doesnt need to look exactly like the olds, update it a little, modernize it whatever but that basic idea with the blue red needs to come back. 

31 minutes ago, Creepyjo said:

Why? Other than 79, 82 and 86  that uniform was worn by a mediocre loser of an organization for nearly  over 2 decades.

Well so has the current one. Also who cares? It looks cool.

28 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

Well so has the current one. Also who cares? It looks cool.

I think he means we’ve had more success in the current uniforms then all the other ones combined. 


I genuinely don’t get what the deal is with people that continue to insist that the uniform be changed.  The red cap and white jerseys should remain primary home jersey.  If you want to make the red one the away and get rid of the grey.  Fine.  Personally I like the grey roads and would prefer those to the red, but whatever red or grey.  

if fans want to have something new it should only be the 3rd jersey.  It seems like a pretty good consensus of people seem to like something inspired by the 70’s and 80’s look.  Maybe that would be cool if it was modernized quite a bit.  They just look very aged otherwise. 

I think that not being just another shade of blue is an important branding tool for the team.  The Dodgers are blue.  That’s it.  The Angels have spent the last 20 years making red the Angels thing.  It would be dumb to abandon that.  I think in baseball building brand identity is important.  More so in a lot of ways then the other sports.  You don’t do that changing uniforms and colors and logos.  

1 hour ago, Creepyjo said:

Why? Other than 79, 82 and 86  that uniform was worn by a mediocre loser of an organization for nearly  over 2 decades.

Great point.  These should be the uniforms because of the success of the team that year.


2 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:


I really hope this happens. I like more of the blue on the hat. 

Love the classic look. 

This is exactly what I was talking about earlier. The uniforms are not terrible, they just aren't good either. But it's good to keep the red, because our geographical rival is Dodger blue.

Just adding some dark shade like navy blue and tweak the font a little. Still largely the same uniform, just updated for the first time in 20 years. 

2 hours ago, floplag said:

I hope so, i for one have never liked the all reds.  
That look is who we are as an organization, its what i always think of when this comes up.
It doesnt need to look exactly like the olds, update it a little, modernize it whatever but that basic idea with the blue red needs to come back. 

I have never liked uniforms that have lettering and numbers the same color as the jersey either.


These are just ok. I was a big fan of the navy blue CA uniforms from the early 90’s. 

I would do Red and White as the primary home uniform. All whites for alternate/Sundays.

Red and Gray as the primary road uniform. 
Navy Blue and Gray for the Road alternate, with a Red Cap.


I like our current uniforms. I wouldn’t mind adding in some navy, though especially on the third jersey. That’s a pretty sick look imo. More of that would be welcome, even if it came at the expense of the all red (which I also like).

30 minutes ago, AngelsLakersFan said:


Just go back to this jersey top... it's considerably better than anything else we've ever worn.


The modern font is just an early 2000's take on this font anyway. They are similar enough that most people probably don't notice but this one is a more timeless look.

I like this one as well.

Basically, I like a little blue with the red.

Also, I like Mike Trout.

43 minutes ago, AngelsLakersFan said:


Just go back to this jersey top... it's considerably better than anything else we've ever worn.


The modern font is just an early 2000's take on this font anyway. They are similar enough that most people probably don't notice but this one is a more timeless look.

This has been my favorite uniform. 

I would bring back the halo on top of the hat like they had in the 60s. I loved the uniqueness of that.


That was my favorite uniform too, and then @Inside Pitch shared a picture of Pudge Rodriguez in a Rangers uniform that looked almost identical in color and older don't. Lots of teams had that style. 

But a compromise between the two styles with a modern twist could end up looking really good.

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