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There gray is almost metallic. And it had pinstripes. It's a modern throwback.

I wish the Angels would get the hint. They don't need a complete inform overhaul, but it could use some tweaks. First thing is I would change the font. It's too 2001. Second is I'd reintroduce navy blue into the color scheme. Not as the primary color. That should remain red. But use navy blue as a complimentary or accent color, along with the occasional hint if silver and gold.

35 minutes ago, Second Base said:

. But use navy blue as a complimentary or accent color, 


8 minutes ago, ukyah said:

i don't know if i like the uniforms or not, but i do know it's good to see them go back to their identity and away from that lame ass everybody has it navy blue.


I agree

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