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1 hour ago, tdawg87 said:

What's with all these awards

Agreed. How many awards are there? Gold glove. Defensive player of the year by Wilson. Millennials right? Haha 

10 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

I'm only trading Simba if a team offers a solid arm on contract for 2-3 years in exchange for 1 year of Simba.

I’m not opposed to moving anyone, but the deal would have to make sense. With some guys (Trout, Ohtani), it’s hard to imagine a possible deal that would make sense for us.


Simmons should not be traded. The value of a top defensive shortstop still isn't something that analytical statistics have fully grasped. Simmons' defensive abilities are so elite that he can't even be compared with even the best v shortstops from the modern era. The closest thing to Simmons in the field is Lindor, and anyone that's watched the two of them understands the difference is tangible.

Lindor is very flashy in the field and makes for fun highlights. But those amazing defensive plays he makes are routine for Simmons and because he makes them look so routine, they aren't the sort of thing that gets played and replayed by the common fan.

But coaches and scouts know the difference. Simmons is in a league of his own.

If it were me, he'd never wear another uniform. I know financiers are nebulous right now, but as soon as a clearer picture unfolds, I'd start the conversation on an extension. I'd want to see how his body holds up this year first. If he's back to normal health and can stay in the field, then I'd go with a 4-5 year extension. If he gets hurt again, I'd go with a shorter 2-3 year extension. 

And that's the benefit of having La Stella. It opens up both Fletcher and Rengifo to play SS if necessary.

5 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

How can someone not win the Gold Glove award at his position but win DPOTYA? 

I don't get it.

Payback's a bitch, isn't it?


Managers and coaches (assistant hitting coaches?) vote on gold gloves. They cannot vote for their own players.  A sabermetric component accounts for 25% of the vote. 

Wilson awards are strictly based on sabermetrics.

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