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On 11/2/2019 at 7:51 AM, cysomeawfulpitcher said:

2+2=5 because white republican in charge and MAGA!  Derp!

sally kohn mansplaining GIF by The Opposite of Hate

Sidenote, mansplain is by far the most overused misused term of the year, and its not close. 

On 11/3/2019 at 7:21 AM, floplag said:

Sidenote, mansplain is by far the most overused misused term of the year, and its not close. 

i would have guessed misogynist or nazi.

2 hours ago, Tank said:

i would have guessed misogynist or nazi.

Mine would be participation trophy. People that constantly complain about kids getting participation trophies, are far worse than the existence of the trophies themselves. 




1 hour ago, Tank said:

i would have guessed misogynist or nazi.

I would say "triggered" just telling or claiming someone is triggered has become a trigger itself.

33 minutes ago, st1ckboy said:

Mine would be participation trophy. Peopel that constantly complaining about kids getting participation trophies, are far worse than the existence of the trophies themselves.


2 hours ago, True Grich said:


Will's character is an adult, not a five year-old, two years removed from shitting in a diaper, learning how to play little league baseball. 

2 hours ago, True Grich said:


Will's character is an adult, not a five year-old, two years removed from shitting in a diaper, learning how to play little league baseball. 

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