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I don't visit here often, but know this was a topic of conversation at one point. I'm not far in, but between what I heard and also saw some snippets posted on Youtube this is up our alley for discourse. From the snippets he dives into some things we have pondered or suspected with regards to surveillance. Pretty fascinating if you have the time to listen.


4 hours ago, mtangelsfan said:

I am listening to it while driving.

(I am not driving right now)

Dude is a talker

Yeah, I phased out at points. It wasn’t even a normal podcast or discussion. Very relevant info, but it felt like rambling at points. Joe did a good job though of letting him flow and not cutting him off and making a mess of it.


I'm only 40 minutes in.  I hope this picks up.  Dude is a bit of a Zzzzzzzz.  Joe should have jumped in and minimize his rambling.




I still find it amazing that all of our public servants wanted lock this guy up in a dungeon and throw away the key, yet not a one of them said a thing about how what they’ve been doing is all kinds of wrong, legally and morally.

17 minutes ago, Tank said:

I still find it amazing that all of our public servants wanted lock this guy up in a dungeon and throw away the key, yet not a one of them said a thing about how what they’ve been doing is all kinds of wrong, legally and morally.

well said 

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