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AngelsWin.com Today: AngelsWin.com Interviews Angels Outfield Prospect Torii Hunter, Jr.

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Torii Hunter Jr. 3.jpg

Interview Conducted by David Saltzer, AngelsWin.com Senior Writer April 2, 2019.

Ever get the feeling of deja vu? The very first Major League player that I interviewed in the Angels clubhouse was Torii Hunter. And he was a pleasure to interview. I had followed his career for quite a while, long before he was an Angel, as I have many cousins in Minnesota who would rave about him as a player. I was thrilled that we got to see him play as an Angel for a while.

I recently had the opportunity to interview his son, a rising outfield star in the Angels system. Like his father, Torii Hunter, Jr. is a pleasure to talk to. And, like his father, he provides great defense in the outfield with a blend of speed and power.

Torii will be starting the 2019 season with the IE66ers tonight at home. You can purchase tickets for them here. It’s well worth the drive out there to see him and all the other players develop into future Major Leaguers. With the rising pool of talent that the Angels have, you will want to make the trip out there many times.

While you too may experience a bit of deja vu when you see Torii Hunter, Jr. in the outfield, remember, he’s his own man with his own destiny. And he will go as far as his tools and talent will take him.

You can watch our interview with Torii Hunter, Jr. by clicking on the image below.

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