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David Saltzer, AngelsWin.com Senior Writer

When I was in high school, I had an economics teacher who used to say to us (often at random times) “Class, it’s time to get in touch with the sounds of the universe.” At the time, we all thought he was a bit crazy. Now, as I’m older, I realize, he was just a bit “eccentric.”

My old economics teacher probably was onto something, though. There are times when the universe is clearly trying to tell us something. I wrote about one such sign from baseball a few years ago. It was my proof that there is a G-d, and that G-d is a baseball fan. You can read it here.

Last week, I was extremely busy. I didn’t have time to watch every Angels game and have only recently caught up on them all. I saved the games on my DVR, because I knew that one of them would be Tim Mead’s last game with the Angels.

Anyone who has spent any time on AngelsWin.com knows how much Tim meant to this site. I consider him a friend and a role model. He is honest and kind. He takes the time to get to know and understand people. He listens and helps where and when he can.

AngelsWin.com will forever be indebted to him. As will I.

Over the past few days, I had time to catch up on the Angels games. I watched Tim’s last game against the Dodgers. It was emotional for him to get through the interview with Victor and Gubi. And, it was emotional watching it as a friend and as a fan.

If there is any place where Tim belongs, other than with the Angels, it has to be the Hall of Fame. The outpouring of love from around and across the baseball world shows that Tim is a Hall of Fame member for the Front Office part of the game.

And, if there is anything that could pull Tim away from the Angels, it had to be Hall of Fame. There is no doubt that Tim loves the Angels. He bleeds Halos red through and through. But, if there is anything that he might love more, it’s the game of baseball itself. He respects and treasures it. He will protect it and all the players who enter into the Hall of Fame.

As Tim was interviewed by Victor and Gubi, he said he would love to see more Angels getting into the Hall of Fame. Certainly Pujols and Trout will get there (although I’m in no rush to see Trout inducted anytime soon–I’d rather see him continue a long and productive career with the Angels). As a fan, I’d love to see more Angels in the Hall of Fame.

In the next day’s game, against the Rays, something interesting happened. And, as I thought about it, I realized that it was a sign. The game after Tim Mead left the Angels for the Hall of Fame, Shohei Ohtani hit for the cycle–the first Japanese born player to do so in the Major Leagues. The very next Hall of Fame worthy event in baseball came from the Angels. The very first item that Tim will get to curate for museum will be from his beloved team. This wasn’t irony. This was a sign that the universe agreed with his decision to move.

I will miss Tim’s presence when I go to the ballpark. And I know AngelsWin will forever miss his talks with us.

But sometimes, it seems, we really do need to listen to the sounds of the universe.


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