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On 10/10/2019 at 10:34 PM, ten ocho recon scout said:


Hello back, vladdy. Weve missed you.

My favorite part of the above article is where all his fellow pilots make fun of him.

Check out the Rogan interview. Fravor seems pretty even-minded. I have no reason to doubt what he says he experienced - it doesn't seem like a publicity stunt. If anything, I'm not sure he wanted any attention about it.

Of course even if 99% of UFO sightings are BS, there's that possible 1%. Its a pretty big universe out there. 

9 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

Image result for mulder on phone strip club

I loved this show during the 90s. I couldn't make it through the recent season...it just felt done. The magic was gone (although somehow Scully is hotter at 50 than she was at 25).

you should check her out in The Fall (BBC series).  Very good show.

On 10/11/2019 at 11:02 AM, Vladdylonglegs said:

It's not just him. This isn't an uncommon experience among pilots, especially military pilots. Are you going to say this video is fake?

No, and Ive answered as such when you asked the same question before.

My question is where are the little green men in that? 

Unidentified flying object is just that. How many line level pilots do you think have access to DARPA projects? 

And funny enough, this video you posted says exactly that....

Name another airplane of similar shape as the f-117. Or the B-2.

Now consider we built a fleet of both before anyone knew, except Lockheed engineers and the extremely small amount of people flying them. 

Now imagine how joe hotshit pilot would react seeing one for the first time, when he didnt know one existed.

Now, I know your guy who worked on UFOs and left that job to run a brothel in Nevada says im a sheep, but it is what it is.

By the way, if Aliens have been visiting us for decades or longer, as the UFO community likes to believe, then why haven't they made their move yet? They cross the galaxy to check us out, then leave.... over. And over. And over. And over again?

On 10/12/2019 at 2:11 PM, Angelsjunky said:

Check out the Rogan interview. Fravor seems pretty even-minded. I have no reason to doubt what he says he experienced - it doesn't seem like a publicity stunt. If anything, I'm not sure he wanted any attention about it.

Of course even if 99% of UFO sightings are BS, there's that possible 1%. Its a pretty big universe out there. 

I dont doubt at all this guy saw what he saw, and believes it himself. EVERY one of us would make the same conclusion as he does.

Because its what we "know".

Its the same as seeing something you dont understand, and assuming it was a ghost. Because your brain cant explain it.

Again, I mentioned this in the other vladdy thread. For 4 decades, all of the US and all of Asia was on a war footing. Civilian aircraft were shot down (along with spyplanes). Yet neither side shot at these alien craft that flew over their land unannounced? .... 

Ans neither side called the other guy and said "hey, maybe we shouldnt fight each other, we should be building defense against that shit instead"?

To clarify, I totally believe in aliens. I dont believe they visit us.

3 hours ago, Taylor said:

California is passing a law that allows extratesticals to receive government benefits.


1 hour ago, True Grich said:

California is passing a law that allows extratesticals to receive government benefits.

poor scott schoenweiss.

2 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

What are you suggesting they are? Maybe Ive misunderstood you

unmanned (unaliened?) spaceships?

30 minutes ago, Taylor said:

I don't want my kids going to school with little green men.

Not to worry... those aliens are highly intelligent and won't be in the remedial schools your kids attend.

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