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Gabe Kapler named in a wild report about the FBI's investigation into the Dodgers (politics removed)

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The Dodgers have the strongest international presence throughout their farm, BY FAR.  I mean every single top international prospect, be they Dominican, Cuban, Japanese or Korean, are connected with the Dodgers in some way.  They're always a finalist for their services. 

They don't lap the rest of the field without bending the rules. 

It's like the college that has the strongest recruiting class for 5+ years straight, they're always busted for something.

Without knowing much about the specific case, but knowing a little about the recruitment process down there, there's no doubt in my mind that th eDodgers were doing some seriously illegal stuff.  Pretty much every team is, but not at LA's level.  

5 hours ago, Scotty@AW said:

It's like the college that has the strongest recruiting class for 5+ years straight, they're always busted for something.

you should probably stick to minor league baseball 




What We Know About The Department of Justice’s MLB Investigation


What’s the most suspicious thing we know about the new investigation? 

Well, the Dodgers straight up sorted their employees into a chart of who was doing the most crimes and how bad the crimes were. So probably that. The chart involves a list of names sorted by “level of egregious behavior.” Employees got points(?) based on whether their involvement of all of the Dodgers’ seemingly many and varied crimes was minimal, moderate, significant, serious, or criminal.

Yes, the Dodgers as an organization made a chart of how criminal each employee was and then actually included a category straight up called “criminal.” Then apparently kept it around for someone to turn over to the feds. We didn’t say anywhere in this post that these teams were smart about the extensive corruption infesting the sport. 

Did the Dodgers do other things besides keep an organized list of employees ranked by their level of participation in criminal activities? 

Oh yeah they did. 

On top of that chart (which is genuinely funny in addition to being truly wild) and that whole “our Latin American team is operating a mafia-type situation on foreign soil” thing, the report also cites the Dodgers doing other fun criminal things. For example, betraying an unnamed prominent agent by signing a foreign prospect before the agent could officially sign him as a client. 

They are also suspected of using loopholes in U.S. immigration law to get top Cuban players to the United States in direct opposition to the current US embargo with Cuba (one of the worst kept secrets in baseball and the least surprising law breaking in this whole report) and either shredding contracts before MLB saw them or doctoring documents before sending them to the Office of the Commissioner."





Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

Dogs = next team to suffer penalties similar to what the Braves were dealt?

The Dodgers have been doing shady BS in Latin America for decades -- they famously kept Adrian Beltre hidden away in a hotel while in his early teens in hopes of keeping other teams from getting to him.  Teams knew of him, were looking to speak to him but the Dodgers had him on lockdown.  Then to make sure they would get him signed they lied about his age -- they made him OLDER.   Adrian Beltre was signed at age 15...  for 23K.

The book Away Games, is a pretty cool look at the shit Latin American players dealt with -- it mostly focuses on Miguel Tejada but does a really good job of depicting the way MLB teams took advantage of players.    Also -- AO, if you want, here's an article on the Beltre situation.. http://www.sportsonearth.com/article/87098954/adrian-beltre-dominican-republic-baseball-amateur-signings

Edited by Inside Pitch
2 minutes ago, greginpsca said:

Would an 'International Draft", that includes The Dominican Republic, Cuba, Venezuela, etc,  by MLB eliminate all this crap and put MLB Organizations  on an equal footing?

To an extent, but it really wouldn't keep teams from doing some of the stuff they have done in the past.   They could just as easily find some kid playing in some back lot at 13, hide him away from other teams and then "draft" him when he turns 16.  The issues in places like the DR is the lack of state infrastructure to keep track of and monitor these players when they are juveniles.  Many are done going to school before they reach their teens if they went to school at all.   

Venezuela and Cuba have different issues..   Mostly political, but the draft would likely work much better there than in the DR.

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