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Watch Bartolo Colon squat a pig, cook ribs, eat ribs, and wear a hat that reads “RIBS”

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9 minutes ago, Angel Oracle said:

Colon for pitching coach, he would teach everyone to pound the strike zone.   No more being near the top in most walks allowed in the AL!

Anderson especially needs control tutoring, BIG TIME!

I'm thinking more strength and conditioning coach LOL

10 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

21 years...think back to wherever you were in life 21 years ago. Thats how long this dude has been pitching. Crazy.

I was watching Tiger become the youngest golfer to win The Masters.

He was 21.

11 minutes ago, ThomasSutpen said:


i once dated a vegan girl for as long as I could possibly hold on. she had me eating fake-beef milkshakes and fruit-based items for dinner. the thing about it wasnt the taste per se. you just had to ignore the iron taste of it.

I love you so much.

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