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The Angels are letting Mike Trout watch his Eagles fly.....

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You good with this? Is this just because we're eliminated? Would they let him have Sunday off during a playoff run in September/October?



12 minutes ago, AngelsLakersFan said:

I was disappointed to not see him in the lineup when I attended last Sunday's game... I mean he's one of just a few reasons to go to a game at this point.

Other than this reason I don't have a problem with letting him rest and keeping him happy and content. It makes no material difference for our success this season and potentially moves us up the draft rank before season's end. Sorry you didn't get to see him though ALF, they should at least advertise his absence in advance (which they won't do because of ticket sales sadly).


7 games left after today, million games out...

Don't care if the players don't care.  Seems his absence means one of the AAAA/Prospects gets to start so let them get some ABs while they are still on the 40man

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