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There really needs to be a pushback from the sports networks that based their budgets on ad sales and every game on Facebook is money out of their till. They paid for exclusive broadcast rights and now are being fucked over by MLB that is pocketing the money from Zuckerberg. 

Fuck Manfuck. 


Yep. My girlfriend plays Candy Crush all the damn time.  If, at any point, one of our friends gets close to her level, she spends the next two hours pulling away from them just so they know who the mother fuckin boss of Candyland is. 

These math teachers.  So gangsta.

19 hours ago, Blarg said:

There really needs to be a pushback from the sports networks that based their budgets on ad sales and every game on Facebook is money out of their till. They paid for exclusive broadcast rights and now are being fucked over by MLB that is pocketing the money from Zuckerberg. 

F*ck Manfuck. 

This is the reason for the blackouts on MLB.tv... I'm wondering how they get around it here...


I dont expect this to last. I think it is a temporary thing. Facebook is probably trying to get age groups outside their main demographic to load their app. Then, they GOTCHA!!!

I considered loading the app on my tablet but, after looking at the long list of information it "wants to access", I said, no way, Jose.

I think the real no-go was where it said "Facebook wants to access your proctology records".

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