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30 minutes ago, TroutBaseball said:

The Angels just announced a Sosh Bobblehead night for the last night game of the season, September 29.  I think this is pretty clear indication of the end of his tenure


Yea it's pretty clear 

1 minute ago, mtangelsfan said:

That bobble-head looks more like George W. Bush than it does Sosh.




ps   I don't see how this is some indication of his future with the club.

Please don't tell me you are still playing the "dense" card....  I thought the exact same thing when I got the email. 

1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

ps   I don't see how this is some indication of his future with the club.

it wasn't originally on the promotions schedule and is being announed just now. could be an indication they want to honor him publicly with all of the fans since he may not be coming back.


Wish they would have given away a Scioscia pullover., but at least the bobblehead has it. 

One lucky fan could've gotten the pristine jersey that he wore once this season.  

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