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6 hours ago, Jason said:

Unfortunately most won't do their own research to see what the context of the statement was.

I don't know.  Even in the full context it comes off bad to me.  Especially with just before this he talks about how "articulate" his opponent is.

26 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

He wasn't even referring to his opponent in that phrase.

but it sure came off that way, especially since he specifically used Gillum's name immediately after he uttered the phrase. 


It's just not something you should probably say when running against the first ever african-american Florida gubernatorial candidate.

1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

He wasn't even referring to his opponent in that phrase.

You can’t say the word monkey in ANY conversation that involves African-Americans 

1 hour ago, Lou said:

but it sure came off that way, especially since he specifically used Gillum's name immediately after he uttered the phrase. 

I read it as he was talking about socialist policies

16 minutes ago, Jason said:

You can’t say the word monkey in ANY conversation that involves African-Americans 

especially when using them in the same sentence 

44 minutes ago, fan_since79 said:

He should have said "throw a monkey wrench into it" instead of "monkey it up". Most people know what the former expression means. It's very common and has nothing to do with race.

I've never heard of "monkey it up".


Yep, he really monkeyed that one up.

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