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Red Sox caught stealing signs from an Apple watch?


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According to Michael Schmidt of the New York Times, the Red Sox have been caught stealing catcher signs from the Yankees and other opponents using an Apple Watch.

Schmidt says the inquiry from Major League Baseball investigators began two weeks ago when Yankees general manager Brian Cashman filed a complaint that included video footage of a member of the Red Sox training staff looking at his Apple Watch in the dugout and then relaying messages to players on the field. It is unclear at this time what kind of penalties the Red Sox might be facing. Schmidt notes that the Red Sox have filed a counter-complaint against the Yankees claiming that the team uses a camera from the YES Network to steal signs during games. This is a developing story, with much more to come.
Source: New York Times
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2 hours ago, well_red said:

i don't know, with all the stats and advanced analytics in the game today, the guy could easily just be looking at real-time updated info that is being displayed through his watch.  i'm kinda shocked it isn't already more common.  

After MLB corroborated the claims with its own video, the commissioner's office confronted the Red Sox, who admitted that video replay personnel were getting signs and that those were relayed to some players, The Times reported. The scheme had been ongoing for some weeks.

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2 hours ago, Ace-Of-Diamonds said:

After MLB corroborated the claims with its own video, the commissioner's office confronted the Red Sox, who admitted that video replay personnel were getting signs and that those were relayed to some players, The Times reported. The scheme had been ongoing for some weeks.

Hah, like it was only weeks. 

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It's all gamesmanship. However, electronic devices are not permitted in the dugout, so they will be fined a very small amount. If their counter claim regarding the Yankees and the YES network would actually come with far greater repercussions, including the loss of broadcast rights. 

Even if it is true with the Yanks, Manfred will cover it up and make sure business resumes as usual.

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Somebody figuring out your signs isn't cheating.  Get better signs.  Or if stealing signs is cheating then using signs at all is cheating.

I only draw the line at people not on the field relaying data to the players.

Other than that, have at it.  Stealing signs is part of the game just like using signs.

They have TV monitors in the clubhouse which is not off limits for the players during games.  I'm even fine if they figure out signs by viewing what's on the monitor.

Bottom line is if it is players and coaches, I couldn't care less if they are picking signs.

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