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Video game makers (and many others) lobby against "Right to repair" laws

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The video game industry is lobbying against legislation that would make it easier for gamers to repair their consoles and for consumers to repair all electronics more generally.

The Entertainment Software Association, a trade organization that includes Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, as well as dozens of video game developers and publishers, is opposing a "right to repair" bill in Nebraska, which would give hardware manufacturers fewer rights to control the end-of-life of electronics that they have sold to their customers.

Do we really own much what we purchase anymore?

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  • Thomas changed the title to Video game makers (and many others) lobby against "Right to repair" laws

People restore cars all the time with either OEM or aftermarket reproductions and you don't see the automobile industry waging a war against independent mechanics or parts companies. I think the only caveat is manufacturers holding back safety related parts that only a certified factory mechanic can replace because of litigation should it fail. Lines need to be drawn. 

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It's not about modification, they withhold safety related parts because they can't be liable for a mechanic installing it incorrectly but being unable to trace that cause after the accident.

For my Mercedes that extends to some parts that are not safety related and requires a Mercedes technician to replace at their rates, which can include some engine mechanicals that run in the thousands that would be half that cost in another shop. 

Back to the console market, they are pushing retailers out of business by releasing games only through their network. Say goodbye to Gamestop in a couple years, they are headed the blockbuster video route. 

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I think the point is more that you won't be able to change your PS 4 into a PS5 but instead will have to go buy a new console when they deem you've gone long enough without giving them money. It's a game all the hardware manufacturers play as they try to avoid going the way of the desktop makers, etc

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