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Props 47 & 57 and Gov Brown

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27 minutes ago, Brian Ilten said:

If you voted for any of the above... how does it feel to have blood on your hands?


RIP Officer Keith Boyer.  Somehow, someway, the liberals in this state will either change or pay.

Welcome back, @Brian Ilten. Don't be a stranger. We could use some more con blood in here. 

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Let me actually try to tackle this.  It is not fair to blame a law or voters for the actions of a person.  There are many factors at work here.  Now, regarding the law.  California is in a difficult position with overcrowded jails and a gigantic budget deficit.  I get why they are trying to thin the population of prisons.  

However, why don't we talk about all of the inmates whose crimes are drug related.  It would seem prudent to me to let out non violent offenders early and exhaust that completely before releasing violent offenders.

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Has the suspects identity even been released yet?  It seems rather unlikely he would have been considered a "non-violent" offender to be qualified to be released early.  He may not have been released early at all it seems though I'm a bit far away from the news.

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MT we disagree, law is what is in question here and how it facilitated this event. This is not a singular incident,  nor preventable in the parole system. So maybe a serious review of what our societal obligations are to hold the line on criminal punishment rather than expeditious budget management. 

A cop died because a high speed rail to nowhere was prioritized over public safety. 

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1 minute ago, Blarg said:

MT we disagree, law is what is in question here and how it facilitated this event. This is not a singular incident,  nor preventable in the parole system. So maybe a serious review of what our societal obligations are to hold the line on criminal punishment rather than expeditious budget management. 

A cop died because a high speed rail to nowhere was prioritized over public safety. 

Citation that the law had an effect on this event?

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Times reporting name, though they specifically say in the article (as of 1:24pm), they do not know if the release of the suspect from previous jail time was related to the propositions.

MT has a pretty good take on it. Prison and sentencing is a mess, and a lot of the locking up people for drug possession and mandatory sentencing has done a number on the population which now puts the overall system in crisis.


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