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Whittier police officer killed this morning by gang member (early release?)

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Released (early, according to the Whittier police chief) a week ago...killed another man this weekend and stole his car, then crashed it in Whittier at 8 am this morning. He opened fire on police who arrived to investigate the traffic accident. A 25-year veteran officer was killed.

Thanks, Jerry Brown and California voters!






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23 minutes ago, wopphil said:

This is what happens when a society is more concerned with the rights of criminals than the rights of everyone else.

Of course, nobody will protest the slaughter of this officer, but just wait until the next time an officer uses deadly force against a minority.

He'll get his rights honored while the officer's family goes through a living hell. They'll patch him up in the hospital, get him a team of public defenders, and he'll be a big shot in prison for killing a cop. Three squares a day, cable TV, exercise, free medical and dental care, and legal appeals for the next four decades. He'll be an old man before he even comes close to his execution date.

Some things are just plain wrong.



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Fuck this state and their stupid ass voters. Non violent offenders...blah blah blah. Fuck em all. Just because a person was locked up for a non violent offense doesn't mean they are non violent. 

R.I.P to the officer. God damn shame the MSM doesn't give a shit because it doesn't involve a white cop killing a black man whose "innocent"

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57 minutes ago, arch stanton said:

Ok I'll type slowly then. He complained that the MSM didn't care so I subtly pointed out that it's a MSM article that's linked.

I think we all realize this story will fade away within a relatively short time, but if the obverse had happened (white cop killing black suspect), it would be front and center for months and possibly generate riots. Ferguson, Missouri ring a bell?


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1 minute ago, fan_since79 said:

I think we all realize this story will fade away within a relatively short time, but if the obverse had happened (white cop killing black suspect), it would be front and center for months and possibly generate riots. Ferguson, Missouri ring a bell?


The MSM didn't riot. The pissed off people did. If you take to the streets I'm sure they'll cover it. I guess bitching on a baseball message board is pretty close though

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