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An open letter to conservatives from a liberal

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Put more eloquently than I could.



Chris Joosse

In no particular order:

  • No, the liberal left doesn’t harbor deep-seated desires and grand plans to control every aspect of your life in ‘political correct’ totalitarian style. You’re being told that because it makes you easier to influence politically (there's nothing so unifying as a common enemy).
  • Yes, the folks on the left do love America too, and no, they don’t hate you or your freedoms. Whoever tells you these things is not your friend or ally- you’re their tool to the extent you believe that stuff. When lefties sound frustrated with you, part of that is they don’t like that you’re being taken advantage of in ways that affect everyone. Also, they’ve been trying to tell you this a lot, but it doesn’t seem to be getting across.
  • Liberals are never coming for your guns. They might want you to comply with some rules and accept some limitations to their use, and some are beyond angry with how the gun die-hards refuse to accept any regulation whatsoever, but it’s just. not. going. to. happen. The folks telling you it’s gonna happen are the same folks who just sold you your stockpiles of ammo at price-gouging rates because you were convinced you had to buy it while you could. They’re not your friends; you’re their marks.
  • No, lefties aren’t in favor of Sharia law when they make it clear they don’t like to see Muslims discriminated against. It means they don’t want the USA to act like a theocracy, not because they want to impose a Muslim one.
  • No, the Nazis and fascists weren’t left-wing, and it doesn’t matter that the GOP was once the party of Lincoln and civil rights. What does matter is that the GOP is the party of voter suppression, gerrymandering, and false claims about rampant voter fraud.
  • No, ‘getting tough’ on social issues such as crime or drugs doesn’t work. If it did, the problem would already be solved. It's quite possible that the perceived unfairness of ‘get tough’ rules (as applied) contributes to the problems (like the way community:police relations aren’t good in high-crime areas).
  • No, the money from tax cuts to the rich never ever ever ever trickles down, and the people who tell you it will are making out like bandits while you wait.
  • No, we’re not broke from idle moochers draining the system and living large on too-generous benefits. We spend tons on corporate welfare and government contracts, more than we do on other sorts of welfare. The stories about welfare queens and lazy moochers living large on the dole are invented to keep your attention away from all the tax dollars going into corporate pockets.
  • No, the USA isn’t number one in the world at anything now, except for per-capita incarceration, military spending, and the prices we pay for medical care and pharmaceuticals. We have lots of potential to be better, and wanting the USA to be better isn’t the same thing as not loving America.
  • We get it, the future in which white people are a minority makes you uneasy - but the problem isn’t who’s a minority, it’s that minorities are regarded and treated as second-class citizens by too many people. Fix that part, and everything has potential to turn out fine. Not fixing it means when we’re the minority, it’ll be our (or our grandchildren’s) turn to be treated as second-class, and we’ll deserve it when we have to protest about how White Lives Matter. Social justice isn’t about taking away white rights, it’s very much in our interests.
  • No, it’s not hypocritical when ‘tolerant’ liberals aren’t tolerant of intolerance or bigotry. It would be hypocritical if they were.
  • A lot of those jobs are never coming back, and politicians telling you they will aren’t your friends - you’re their marks. Already the easy-to-automate work has been automated, and eventually even the skilled labor (like automating work) will eventually be automated. (yes, today there is software writing other software, machines building other machines). Eventually, this will force us to re-think the idea of work being our identity, or how to organize an economy with surplus labor that still looks like America.
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California requires you to turn in all high capacity magazines now regardless of how long you've owned them. They are also requiring you to register your "assault weapon" with photos of it to the DOJ.  That weapon must be surrendered to the DOJ upon your death as well.  California is trying their best to start that shit

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:

California requires you to turn in all high capacity magazines now regardless of how long you've owned them. They are also requiring you to register your "assault weapon" with photos of it to the DOJ.  That weapon must be surrendered to the DOJ upon your death as well.  California is trying their best to start that shit

It would be such a shame if people couldn't have high-capacity magazines anymore. I mean, how else will we defend ourselves when ISIS and Obama's Army storm our neighborhoods?

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Just now, Taylor said:

It would be such a shame if people couldn't have high-capacity magazines anymore. I mean, how else will we defend ourselves when ISIS and Obama's Army storm our neighborhoods?

So if I owned one for 25 years it's OK to make me criminal now for owning it?

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Just now, Taylor said:

I just don't understand the purpose of high-capacity magazines, other than to kill things on a mass scale.

For most people they don't have a purpose but that's really not the point. It's not Uncle Sam's business. I know many people that shoot competitively with them and don't think there is a problem with it. 

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27 minutes ago, calscuf said:

I disagree.  

I do want to take the guns from the little brain, little cock, closet fags.  That gun isn't fooling anyone.

but that would be a different topic. these "my feelings are hurt for being misunderstood" diatribes are for the birds. seeing shit like this is so ridiculous:

  • No, lefties aren’t in favor of Sharia law when they make it clear they don’t like to see Muslims discriminated against. It means they don’t want the USA to act like a theocracy, not because they want to impose a Muslim one.


I don't know anyone on any side that believes this shit. maybe some tool with a confederate flag, but that's a minority and not representative of a whole group.

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2 minutes ago, Mr. Walsh said:

but that would be a different topic. these "my feelings are hurt for being misunderstood" diatribes are for the birds. seeing shit like this is so ridiculous:

  • No, lefties aren’t in favor of Sharia law when they make it clear they don’t like to see Muslims discriminated against. It means they don’t want the USA to act like a theocracy, not because they want to impose a Muslim one.


I don't know anyone on any side that believes this shit. maybe some tool with a confederate flag, but that's a minority and not representative of a whole group.

Something like 50 percent or more of surveyed republicans thought obama was a Muslim and that it was a big problem.  Is this really that big of a stretch for those people ? 

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48 minutes ago, UndertheHalo said:

Something like 50 percent or more of surveyed republicans thought obama was a Muslim and that it was a big problem.  Is this really that big of a stretch for those people ? 

i didn't say anything about obama, what does that have to do with what i said other than the "but obama...." deflection?

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Walsh said:

i didn't say anything about obama, what does that have to do with what i said other than the "but obama...." deflection?

I mean, I think the point I was making was pretty clear.  Am I not allowed to mention Obama's name without it being a "deflection" ?

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49 minutes ago, calscuf said:

The Missoulian, really? That is really reaching for some justification. That paper reaches a population of about 36, 000 but only about 12,000 subscribers. I lived in Missoula for a while. Nice place,  a college town but not exactly on the cutting edge of current events. 

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7 minutes ago, InsideThePark said:

Fears of sharia law coming to the US stemmed from the Obama presidency. There's a direct correlation.

No,  really there isn't since no one in their right mind thought congress was going to push through an entire new justice system. But keep talking out of your ass like libs have been so used to doing. 

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5 minutes ago, Blarg said:

No,  really there isn't since no one in their right mind thought congress was going to push through an entire new justice system. But keep talking out of your ass like libs have been so used to doing. 

Yea Blarg.  You're right.  No one in their right mind thought it was possible.  Except for all those conservative voters who did.   Oh, and the president.  Who's a big fan of Alex Jones and infowars.  A site where that kind shit has been spewed on the regular. 

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