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Did the Angels just sign some international talent???


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Generally speaking, signing 18 and 19 year olds in February isn't generally where the talent is.   16 year olds on July 2nd, that's where you get the premier international prospects.  The last noteworthy international prospect the title lefty, Ricardo Sanchez, who Dipoto dealt for Kyle Kubitza, who was DFA'd a year and a half later.  Sanchez, for his part, has shown increasingly quality stuff as he matures, but the results haven't been there at all for him. 

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16 hours ago, Scotty@AW said:

Generally speaking, signing 18 and 19 year olds in February isn't generally where the talent is.   16 year olds on July 2nd, that's where you get the premier international prospects.  The last noteworthy international prospect the title lefty, Ricardo Sanchez, who Dipoto dealt for Kyle Kubitza, who was DFA'd a year and a half later.  Sanchez, for his part, has shown increasingly quality stuff as he matures, but the results haven't been there at all for him. 

we spend the better part of 5-7 yrs ignoring 1/3rd of the talent pool available.  My guess is that these two guys are equivalent to players we'd draft in the 15th to 20th rounds.  But here's the nit and an interesting reason why that talent pool we have been missing out on is so important.  The players in the international market are typically ages 16-18 yo.  Where do you get those players in the draft?  Maybe in the first 7 rounds.  After that, any player worth having isn't likely to sign and will hit college.  

On the international market, you can get 7-20th round high ceiling talent because they are so young.  So you are going to have a lot of guys burn out, but you also have a group of guys with a chance of being much more.  Much more than the high floor guys from the middle of the domestic draft.  

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5 hours ago, John Smith said:

What i don't understand is, where have they been that they didn't get signed until 18-19. Even crap players in the DR get signed at 16-17.

From what I understand, most promising prospects are identified around 14 or 15, and spend the next year or two away from their families either at academies for baseball, or working with individual trainers.  The more obscure ones that aren't there at 14 and 15 typically will go to showcases once they're 16 in hopes to latch on with an organization, like many high school seniors in the U.S.  Attend enough of these (like a couple years worth), and eventually your name is out there.

If I had to guess, that's what we're seeing with these two kids.  At 16, they just weren't mature enough to get signed, but they kept attending the showcases for a couple years, and eventually they grow, and the one team that's desperate for everyone else's table scraps (the Angels), signed them. 

I think a similar circumstance occurred with Amarista.   He went unsigned through age 16 and 17.  When he was 18, he started playing softball, which is apparently super competitive out there.  He was discovered by a scout playing softball.  Landed a personal workout with the Angels, who signed him for hardly anything, and no one really noticed. 

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