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Just WTF goes on, the first day when pitchers and catchers report?


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1 hour ago, WeatherWonk said:

Does it start with a pep talk by Sosh and Nagy? Is it just drills? Introductions to the staff and Maldonado (does Maldonado need a translator, BTW?)

Is this the first time they will see Richards and Shoe throw off the mound? Is Radar Gun Rodney behind the plate?

WTF goes on? I'm dying for any tidbit!!!

Looks like Skaggs is running late to work



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First thing they do is laugh at each other because of how much weight they gained in the offseason.  Second, they laugh at how fat Sosh is and the huge amount of lasagna he brings for his lunch. Finally, they all try to figure out how they are going to approach Trout to get him to sign stuff for their friends and family. 

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OK, then, guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and occasionally go over to Twitter. I just really dont like the format of these sites more intended for mobile devices. Everything is so real-time with none of the organization of a discussion board.  I still own a flip phone.

Yeah, I know, I'm not finding out news THE INSTANT that it happens. That's OK with me, when it comes to baseball. 

Thanks for the tips. Really enjoyed the Animal House references. 

First news. GR will probably be on a pitch count. Is 100 pitches really much of a pitch count? How often did Angel pitchers throw 100 pitches in the last couple years?

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10 hours ago, VariousCrap said:

First thing they do is laugh at each other because of how much weight they gained in the offseason.  Second, they laugh at how fat Sosh is and the huge amount of lasagna he brings for his lunch. Finally, they all try to figure out how they are going to approach Trout to get him to sign stuff for their friends and family. 

10/10 post, would read again.

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6 hours ago, WeatherWonk said:

OK, then, guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and occasionally go over to Twitter. I just really dont like the format of these sites more intended for mobile devices. Everything is so real-time with none of the organization of a discussion board.  I still own a flip phone.

Yeah, I know, I'm not finding out news THE INSTANT that it happens. That's OK with me, when it comes to baseball. 

Thanks for the tips. Really enjoyed the Animal House references. 

First news. GR will probably be on a pitch count. Is 100 pitches really much of a pitch count? How often did Angel pitchers throw 100 pitches in the last couple years?

If you don't like Twitter you won't miss a thing. You can read via the OC Register & MLB.com news that's Tweeted on Twitter here via the RSS feeds coming into this forum.

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"Reporting day" is really a myth. All that happens is players get physicals. The Angels do their physicals somewhere else, so players don't even have to come to the ballpark. There were about 20 there Tuesday, which is a lot by Angels standards. 

Today was the real first day IMO, because they all had to be there and they had structured drills together, not just throwing on their own as they had been doing for weeks. 

They had a meeting with Scioscia around 10-10:30. I don't know what happens there, exactly. My impression is they go over what stuff they are doing that day. I also think there is some kind of rookie get-to-know-you stuff going on. 

I think there's one rah-rah type pep talk on the first full squad day, Saturday. Arte will talk to the team then. 

Then theyre on the field from 10:30-12ish. Catchers till maybe 12:30. When the full squad comes they'll go till maybe 1. 

They stretch for about 30 minutes then roll through stations (fielding practice) and then throw bullpens. About half the pitchers throw each day at the start. For about 8-10 minutes. Then the pitchers leave and the catchers take BP and do catching drills. 

When the full squad comes it's the same, but more stations. 

Guys also have their weight room stuff, which they do either before or after the on-field stuff. 

Also, most of the full squad guys are already here. Some have been working out on the minor league fields for weeks. 

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