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Orange County Register: Angels' Garrett Richards looks to be more efficient as he rebounds from elbow injury


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first off, it's great to hear he feels great.  

 now on to the lame.  

Let's take a guy with tremendous strikeout stuff and see if he can get deep into games by pitching to contact.  

My least favorite baseball tradition:  starters have to get deep into games to be considered good


If you are up 7-0 in the 5th and your starter is out  there throwing strikes but gives up a solo shot or two?  Fine.  

But everyone knows that 2 runs over 5ip is better than 3 runs over 7ip right?

This is going to be subtle, so pay close attention.  F**K SAVING THE BULLPEN!!

How about this.  Build a good bullpen that you don't need to protect

What do we call a starter with a barely sub 4 era?  solid.  

What do we call a reliever with a barely sub 4 era?  shitty  

why?  Being a reliever is easier.  Crappier pitchers can get better results out of the pen.  

giving up less runs = better than giving up more runs.    

outs.  get f***ing outs.  preferably by making the other team miss.  

starters who pitch the 7th have a 4.43 era

relievers who pitch the 7th have a 4.09 era

starters who pitch the 6th have a 4.73 era

relievers who pitch the 6th have a 4.02 era

there's a 0.5 era difference per team per game if a starter pitches the 6th and 7th vs. a reliever.  That's 18 runs per team per season or about two wins.  

Last year, Toronto let their starters pitch 203 innings from the 6-extras with a 5.01 era.  The Dodgers starters pitched 115.1 innings in those same situations with an era of 4.84.

the dogs relieves pitching from the 6th-extras had 495.2 innings with a 3.34 era.  Toronto had 413.1 ip with a 4.18 era from their relievers from the 6th- extras.  

Overall, from the 6th-extras, the dogs had an era of 3.62.  Toronto had an era of 4.45.  The dogs allowed 246 earned run.  The jays allowed 305 earned runs. 

About 60 runs or 6 wins.  Even if you split that in half by assuming the dogs had more depth, that's still 3 wins.  Sure that's a crude, back of the envelope analysis but I think the point is clear. 

The Giants, White Sox and Cubs led the league in starter innings after the 5th.  All three of those teams had really good sub 4 eras for those innings.  The all have excellent pitching staffs.  Great for them.  That would be nice.  We don't have that.  

end rant.  

oh yeah.  Garrett being able to pitch at all in 2017 without surgery is amazing and great.  


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