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CalExit/Yes California movement

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Is this thing for real, or a well hyped pipe dream? What are the chances? I know it takes 2/3 vote from senate and the house to be able to happen, so I doubt they would allow it to happen. If Calexit does get the 2/3 vote, then you have to worry why are they letting us go?

Is California better off independent or splitting up into 2, 3, 5 different smaller states?

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Their argument is California is the 6th largest economy in the world.

What they fail to mention is, the state is also the 4th largest debtor in the world.  I think another measurement is debt to GDP, and California is at 124% which is top 10 in the world, where the US as a whole is at 89%.  An independent California would be the next Greece before the ink dried. 

Edited by gotbeer
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Calexit is led by a right wing activist if I recall correctly...hell, I think the guy behind it actually lives in Russia.



Not going to happen. A whole shitstorm worth of shitstorms would need to happen before anyone took secession seriously.



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10 minutes ago, gotbeer said:

Their argument is California is the 6th largest economy in the world.

What they fail to mention is, the state is also the 4th largest debtor in the world.  I think another measurement is debt to GDP, and California is at 124% which is top 10 in the world, where the US as a whole is at 89%.  An independent California would be the next Greece before the ink dried. 

I would love to see California's first bond auction as a sovereign nation haha. I'd rather own a Zimbabwe trillion dollar bill.

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Yesterday there was an article saying 1 in 3 people polled in CA supported it but who knows where they polled.  I must run in different circles because I don't know anyone who talks, cares about or is even considering it.  Anyone supporting this thinking the good folks in Sacramento would do better without having to answer to Washington are beyond delusional.  Being independent would only speed up CA's demise.     

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1 hour ago, mtangelsfan said:

Yeah, no way it gets 2/3 votes as the other blue states need California desperately .  

I just find the whole thing funny.  they have their prince (Obama) in for 8 years and can't handle a month of Trump.


Well, you do have the Republicans in control of over half the states.  And CA would go yes.  So you would probably be at about 60%.  just need to find about 7% more. 

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7 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

Yesterday there was an article saying 1 in 3 people polled in CA supported it but who knows where they polled.  I must run in different circles because I don't know anyone who talks, cares about or is even considering it.  Anyone supporting this thinking the good folks in Sacramento would do better without having to answer to Washington are beyond delusional.  Being independent would only speed up CA's demise.     

Maybe it was a Jay Leno "man on the street" type pole.

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1 hour ago, red321 said:

Calexit is led by a right wing activist if I recall correctly...hell, I think the guy behind it actually lives in Russia.



Not going to happen. A whole shitstorm worth of shitstorms would need to happen before anyone took secession seriously.



So Flynn was involved? 

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"Calexit is led by a right wing activist if I recall correctly...hell, I think the guy behind it actually lives in Russia."

This is my favorite part of this thread.  Not the fact that red just had to throw in the "blame the cons" slant, but the inclusion of " if I recall correctly " and "I think"

- which is immediately followed by a link which exactly states his point. lol



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1 hour ago, Lou said:

"Calexit is led by a right wing activist if I recall correctly...hell, I think the guy behind it actually lives in Russia."

This is my favorite part of this thread.  Not the fact that red just had to throw in the "blame the cons" slant, but the inclusion of " if I recall correctly " and "I think"

- which is immediately followed by a link which exactly states his point. lol



It makes sense that a conservative group is pushing this. California is extremely far to the left so it feels like there is no hope for conservatives here

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