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AngelsWin.com has officially moved


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We are now a part of the The Sports Daily Network, owned by NESN. When you type in AngelsWin.com in your browser and hit go, it will now redirect here: http://thesportsdaily.com/angels-win/

There are a few menu items that I need to migrate over, such as our Top 50 Greatest Moments in Angels Baseball, About Us, Staff, Interviews and other stuff, but you should see all of that populated on the site by the end of the week. 

The website's mobile viewing is much better than what we delivered as an independent and there are perks to being a part of a network as we'll attract more people here and a ton more viewers on our content posted there & here (via an RSS feed). 

Please poke around the network and check some of the other websites out. I'm told that they will have a full compliment of websites for each team and they're expecting bigger and better things. 

I still pay for the forum server on a monthly basis, the domains, forum software, upgrades, email server, etc. so I'm not relieved of any financial burden. That said, I hope that being a part of this network will bring in more future revenue in the way of advertisement money down the road. 

Hope you all like the new website. Please feel free to comment here and if you'd like to join our writing team send me a PM here. 

If you're on social media, be sure to follow them on Twitter and LIKE their Facebook page. 

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AngelsWinExceptToTheRedSox.com name change coming soon.


Sold out to the Red Sox sports network, for shame Chuck for shame! /s


On a more serious note, I do hope this helps financially because I know you've put your blood sweat tears and money into Angelswin for the last *cough* years.

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18 minutes ago, the dude abides said:

To commemorate the occasion, is there any way to unearth the Red Sox Fan Cruise thread and make it a blog entry?


No, but you can post a new and improved blog. Make sure there's plenty of Tom Brady hate in it too since the Superbowl is coming up.

Send it over to me, @the dude abides

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12 minutes ago, Taylor said:

This is an interesting change, but I'm still passionate about a different platform: Bring back custom poll options!

Hi Taylor, do you mean on the forum here or on the website? 

Polls will be available to our writers to embed within their posts if that's what you're asking. 

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55 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Hi Taylor, do you mean on the forum here or on the website? 

Polls will be available to our writers to embed within their posts if that's what you're asking. 

I mean on the forums. We used to be able to add our own poll options to somebody's poll, which led to much lulz.

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2 minutes ago, Vegas Halo Fan said:

This totally confused me last night. When I went in the regular way on my tablet, I was redirected to Sports Daily, and I found no way to access the message board. Guess I'm going to have to change my bookmark.

You don't need to Vegas. 

Just click on the AngelsWin Forum logo as seen below after you sign into AngelsWin.com



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