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AngelsWin.com Today: Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, AngelsWin


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The older I get, the more important hope seems to be. With three sons, I have to have hope that they will live better and greater lives than I did. And, I want to leave the world a better place so that they have every opportunity to provide better lives for their future children, my future grandchildren.
Baseball fans live on hope. All winter long they dream of the spring to come. They read about trades and free agent signings, looking for that one piece to put their team over the top. All spring, they watch the games to see what will become of their dreams. They learn the names of rookies and have endless arguments over the most minor of position battles. In summer, their dreams play out nightly with ebbs and flows that span the season. They live and die with series wins and player injuries. And, if all works out, their dreams come true in the fall, when they get to watch their dreams play out on the grandest stage of all.
So it seems to me that Christmas comes at a very apropos time for baseball fans. Near the midpoint between the end of the World Series and the beginning of Spring Training, its timeless message of hope and goodness reminds us of what can once again be true. All our hopes and dreams can be realized. It’s just what people need in the darkest hours of winter, especially baseball fans.
Hannukah, too, with its universal message of heroic triumph of good over evil, overcoming insurmountable odds, is just what people need in the darkest hour of winter, especially baseball fans. Though it fluctuates with the lunar calendar, it too comes in the winter, near the midpoint between the end of one season and the beginning of the next. With its 8 days of lights, it shines a victorious message to remind us all of what can be achieved, when all else seems lost.
This year, the two holidays start at the same time, which is a rare occurance. Whether you celebrate one, the other, a different holiday, or none at all, we are all united in our love of baseball, especially the Angels. We are an internet based community, divided in many ways, but united in our passion. We gather together to share and revel in our love for the team and each other.
On behalf of everyone at AngelsWin.com, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah. May you and your family be blessed in these holy days.

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