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Antique Pros


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Has anyone sold fine china before? We have a 72-piece china set that we want to sell, but I'm not sure the best way to go about it. I looked on Ebay, and people are selling the same set, but in a bunch of pieces. I'd rather off-load the whole thing at once.


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Weight is going to be your biggest issue selling on ebay.  And along with weight, getting it to the buyer in one piece.  I've sold a Christmas china set on ebay before.  But it took a while, and I eventually had to break it up into individual pieces instead of the whole set. 

If you want to sell the complete set, I'd suggest going the Craigslist and like first.  Never tried letgo, but they are doing ads all the time.  But again, sell where you don't have to ship it as your first option. 

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On 1/19/2017 at 3:10 PM, gotbeer said:

If you want to sell the complete set, I'd suggest going the Craigslist and like first.  Never tried letgo, but they are doing ads all the time.  But again, sell where you don't have to ship it as your first option. 

I agree with trying to sell it locally before resorting to eBay. Too many variables with shipping it.

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