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Nintendo Switch thoughts


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Not as impressed as I thought I would be. The bad:

Everything from the system itself to the accessories is too expensive.

Paywall to play games after a free period until the fall is freaking lame.

MK8 deluxe is what MK8 should have been. Make a MK9 instead of insulting all the MK players that bought MK8 with your gimped "battle mode." No excuse at all.

No really huge 3rd party stuff. No Madden, no baseball, no sports at launch announced.

No Metroid.

Show a lot of games but no release dates or what the games are called or any other info.

Translation fail.

Pitiful storage once again.

No 4K or HDR support.

No mention of Virtual Console.

The good:

Reminds me of Wii with some of the motion stuff they are doing and the 1,2 Switch looks a lot of fun.

Joy Cons have more tech than I expected.

Mario Odyssey. Mario Odyssey. Mario FREAKING Odyssey.

Looks like a lot of support with a huge E3 potential.

Demos of the Switch will be all over the country.

Zelda at launch! I'm sure it looks amazing but I am going dark so I just heard it and it sounded glorious.

Releases March 3rd. 

Overall, I had higher hopes for this direct and it didn't meet my expectations.

I pre-ordered Zelda Breath of the Wild special edition for Switch but not the Switch itself. 

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I didn't get to watch the presentation yet but...

If a paid online system means that Nintendo actually produces a competent online experience than I file that in the plus category. Free game downloads with membership an added plus.

We will have to find out if the development tools have been improved so 3rd parties will be interested in developing for the device.

I still am considering this a mobile system plus. Not a console and judging it as that. It's a really expensive mobile device.

I think the device will need to be an almost complete tablet replacement to be competitive.

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