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10 hours ago, Adam said:

I've noticed when its cooler and dry, I lose a lot more pubes to the urinal when I take a leak than in warmer, more humid months. 

That's because you've been "scratching" yourself more vigorously to keep warm.

knock it off.

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1 hour ago, cezero said:

If we did that, our first day back would be Jan 2nd. Not so sure I'd like that, lol. 

Our last day was last Friday. We resume school January 3 as lots of our kids and families attend the Rose Parade.

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11 hours ago, cezero said:

from -5 to 45 in 3 days

i could wear shorts in this and be completely comfortable

weird having winter break start on a wednesday, btw

I feel you man. It was crazy cold here for a few days, then got warmer today finally. Came home for lunch and let my dog out. It felt super nice while I was out there with him. Looked at my phone... 37 degrees.

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I recently traveled and thought the freezing weather was one of the stupidest things ever invented. Seriously...such a pain in the ass. Put on 5 layers of clothes to go outside, get in the car, start sweating...take off gloves, jacket, and hat...but have to try and put them on before you get out of the car to walk 50 yards to get inside...only to have to take off a few layers...but then you have to carry them because the place doesn't have a coat room...so you leave on your jacket until it's too fucking hot so we take off the jacket...and then you walk outside so you put on everything to walk 1/2 mile uptown...and your ears are freezing because you didn't want to bring the beanie...and then you try and use your phone to get directions...but you have on gloves, so you have to take off your gloves to bring up the map....and then you walk a block and realize was it 5th or 6th...so you take off your gloves again...and then you get annoyed so you just leave off on of your gloves...seriously...just stupid all around.

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