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The Future b33f of Progressives

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Juan Savage:

"Progressives in general have to feel that 1) they're making progress and 2) that they're better than anti-progressives. So, they pick something that nobody ever thought was a problem (it can't be a real problem. It has to be global warming or boys who think they're girls.), deem it a problem, and then call everybody who disagrees either stupid or a hater."


So, after all this Transgender mumblejumble, what type of hair will be up Progressives' asses next?

I'm guessing the fight to rid animals of leashes. Free range pets ya know?

Edited by TobiasFunke
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It has to have the following criteria:

1. A purely ideological problem that's discovered by professors, not by real people.

2. That ideology mandates that two dissimilar things be deemed similar and that, therefore, any distinction is due to unjust oppression.

3. It has to have the right bad guys.

4. The solution has to be a leveling action by government against the right bad guys.

5. It can't require any sacrifice by the right people, yet make those same people feel noble.

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Personally, I like Juan. Here is why: (1) as wacky as Juan's positions are, they are more logical than the positions of guys like Bernie Sanders and his followers on this board; (2) Juan's posts are long. Really long. I don't know how you guys have the time to read them and get pissed off by them, and I really don't understand how Juan has the time to write them; (3) Juan is the rare conservative Latino; (4) Juan doesn't pick fights, yet manages to infuriate the Board's lefties.

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What I meant by number five is that it has to be easy virtue. For example, what's harder for Hollywood types: stay married, work in soup kitchens (I don't do this,so I'm not claiming I'm better), stick around to sign autographs, and give money away without attending a party OR drink ethical water, drive a Tesla, oppose a pipeline, wear plastic belts and shoes, call police "murderers"** and support gay marriage? What do you think gives them more pride in 2015?

**while living in rich areas with low crime.

Edited by Juan Savage
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Damn straight. Left wing conspriracy to steal our SUVs from us so our kids grow up driving around in compact cross-overs and become communist homosexuals.

Dont take no brain surgeon to connect the dots, morans.

Anybody driving a VW at this point is either stupid, or wants dirty air. Now which is it?

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Personally, I like Juan. Here is why: (1) as wacky as Juan's positions are, they are more logical than the positions of guys like Bernie Sanders and his followers on this board; (2) Juan's posts are long. Really long. I don't know how you guys have the time to read them and get pissed off by them, and I really don't understand how Juan has the time to write them; (3) Juan is the rare conservative Latino; (4) Juan doesn't pick fights, yet manages to infuriate the Board's lefties.

Can confirm #4. Am a lefty and I'm in a constant state of infuriation over Juan.

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Personally, I like Juan. Here is why: (1) as wacky as Juan's positions are, they are more logical than the positions of guys like Bernie Sanders and his followers on this board; (2) Juan's posts are long. Really long. I don't know how you guys have the time to read them and get pissed off by them, and I really don't understand how Juan has the time to write them; (3) Juan is the rare conservative Latino; (4) Juan doesn't pick fights, yet manages to infuriate the Board's lefties.

Not really Phil.  Juan does not infuriate any of us lefties, you came up with that one yourself. Juan is even starting to find a sense of humor, I like it. 

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