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Clint Eastwood

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The first glance at the thread title was a, oh **** no. It took a whike to click the link simply because I didn't want to see a RIP in the OP.

Flags of our Fathers and Letters from Iwo Jima were both excellent tellings of the same story.

So much good stuff and so much crap on his resume then there is Heartbreak Ridge that could fall between both catagories and could find it's way to Bad Movies you like. On one hand it is an unrealistic view of the Corps but on the other hand it is really entertaining.

Regardless if what you may think of him (empty chair and all) he is going down as the most prolific producer/director/screewriter/composer/actor in history.

Edited by notti
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i went to the open house when his daughter sold her place in the city.

she had bunch of pics up with their family. was cute.


unforgiven is f*cking awesome.

million dollar baby is good too. i used to think it was overrated, but i love it now.


Just watched Million Dollar Baby for the first time since it came out last night. 


What a great movie. 

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Not just my favorite Eastman film, but in my top 10 ever.

its definitely grown on me over the years. I "liked" it was i was younger but thought it was kind of slow. I love it now. Best part is when he finds out freeman was killed, and you see him grab the whiskey and change...

Was suprised in the other thread some people didnt like million dollar baby

Agree with blarg. Hes probably the baddest hollywopd type ever, ehen you consider how many great (and horrible) movies hes made, plus what hes directed. Like mystic river

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I would have to say Unforgiven as well.



But honorable mentions to High Plains Drifter, Outlaw Josey Wales, and Play Misty for Me.




I'm assuming we're sticking to Clint Eastwood directed movies, right?



If not, then The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and For a Few Dollars More would likely top the list, as well others like Escape from Alcatraz and Dirty Harry.

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I would have to say Unforgiven as well.



But honorable mentions to High Plains Drifter, Outlaw Josey Wales, and Play Misty for Me.




I'm assuming we're sticking to Clint Eastwood directed movies, right?



If not, then The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly and For a Few Dollars More would likely top the list, as well others like Escape from Alcatraz and Dirty Harry.

After seeing Shawshank Redemption, Escape from Alcatraz seems cheesy, even though it is fact based.

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His resume is quite impressive.  Both on the acting end, and the directing end.  Directing end, you know you have chops when you can direct both sides of a war film.  With one side being in a totally different language, and you get a best picture nomination out of it.  


As an actor, think I liked the Good, the Bad and the Ugly the most.  Those spaghetti westerns were something.  Directing, Million Dollar Baby.  

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Well then, stick to it because you're a walking cluster **** as an infantry officer. My men are hard chargers, Major! Leutenant Ring and Gunny Highway took a handfull of young fire pissers, exercised some personal initiative and kicked ass!

"ill send you home with a, 'I just pumped the neighbors cat' look on your face"
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