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Hot dogs - the official thread


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what do you put on them?



i'm a pretty standard guy - ketchup and relish on one side of the dog, and a little mustard and onions on the other side of the dog.


the dog haus in pasadena has some really good options. i like the cowboy, which comes with bbq sauce, deep-fried onion strips, and white american cheese slightly melted onto the buns - they use king's hawaiian bread rolls for their hot dog buns and it's insanely good.


so how do you like your dogs?

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I like my dogs less pretentious and on a real bun instead of a Hawaiian roll. Just had a char broiled dog at Ted's in Tempe Az this afternoon with chili, mustard, onions and a slice of pickle. That was accompanied with a polish dressed with mustard and sauerkraut . But the simple standby is always just mustard, ketchup is for 8 year olds.

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So does hotel rooms, public restrooms, and public transportation. Oh and sports games seats. You would need to be the boy in the plastic bubble to avoid DNA.

but i dont put those in my mouth.

No, i do.

Good thread tank (love the title). Im not a pro, but i eat wienerschnitzel a lot. And i always grab one at the game.

Adam hit the nail. Coney island dog is great. Chilli cheese, onions and mustard. Other than that simple ketchup/mustard is perfect

Chicago dogs are great too

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Good mustard, slice of pickle and onions. Or if we're making it a big deal then I'll make salsa and put home made salsa and cheese on it. Another good way is cheese and grilled onions. Oh and there really are no good hot dog places around here.

At company events we will bring out our cookout trailers and make chili dogs, those are great. Your choice of regular or spicy, with stagg no bean chili, grilled onions and a slice of cheese. The cheese is under the chili so it melts. Pretty tasty.

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Chicago but no sweet pickle relish, that stuff makes me barf.



I have ALWAYS been a mustard/onions guy.  Kraut if available.


I have always hated sweet pickle relish.


But we were in Chicago this summer, and I said to myself, that if I am going to have a Chicago dog at Portillos, I have to have it "as is".


I didn't want to be the a hole like the guy who goes to Tommy's and orders the burger "no chili".


Anyways, the Chicago dog, with the relish, was FANTASTIC.

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I didn't think it was a sweet relish I thought it was more dill relish.


I am not sure what it was.  But overall, that was the second best fast food experience i've ever had (my alltime favorite is Tommy Burgers.  Every time I eat a Tommy double chili cheese (maybe twice a year), its like losing my virginity all over again.

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