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Advanced Scouting, The Royals, the Playoffs & Dipoto

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The big story in this year's playoffs is the Royals use of advanced scouting.  They knew Bautista would throw in to second, so Cain went first-to-home on a single, they knew David Price was tipping his pitches, and apparently they saw deGrom tipping his pitches last night.


As I recall, media members said that Dipoto's last straw with the Angels came when Sosh wouldn't pass advanced scouting reports on to the team and when he tried to pass them on directly to the players Pujols stood up for Sosh and said the players had all the info they needed and that the roster just couldn't produce.


This wasn't the traditional old school vs sabrmetrics scenario where the "good baseball guy" doesn't want to think in a new way, this was just rejecting standard information that could help the team.


So with the Royals success will Sosh decide to take greater notice of these reports?



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The big story in this year's playoffs is the Royals use of advanced scouting. They knew Bautista would throw in to second, so Cain went first-to-home on a single, they knew David Price was tipping his pitches, and apparently they saw deGrom tipping his pitches last night.

As I recall, media members said that Dipoto's last straw with the Angels came when Sosh wouldn't pass advanced scouting reports on to the team and when he tried to pass them on directly to the players Pujols stood up for Sosh and said the players had all the info they needed and that the roster just couldn't produce.

This wasn't the traditional old school vs sabrmetrics scenario where the "good baseball guy" doesn't want to think in a new way, this was just rejecting standard information that could help the team.

So with the Royals success will Sosh decide to take greater notice of these reports?

Scouting wins over saber metrics .... Scioscia knows scouting.

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The Royals were all over everything deGrom was throwing last night. It even got Harold Reynolds rambling about sign stealing conspiracies.

Nobody really knows what kind of scouting reports Jerry and his team were trying to get into the hands of players, so it's really impossible to speculate.

But that won't stop us. 8 pages.

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Remember the 1988 World Series? The one Sosh played in? There was a pretty famous home run hit in that series. Seems the scouts had told the players that Eck always throws a backdoor slider when he's 3-2 to a lefty. Some gimpy dude jacked that slider into the seats.

Point is that scouting isn't new and I doubt seriously that this was the type of info that wasn't getting passed on. You'd have to be pretty gullible to believe Sosh was discarding info just to be old school. At some point maybe he thought they were getting information overload.

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