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"Great" TV Series that you Hate


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GFY little man

This is a tough one because who watches a TV show they don't like. I can list popular shows I've started and gave up on because I thought they were shit.


Walking Dead

Family Guy

Same, I'm not even going to try and watch shit I don't think I'll stick with.

The first two you mentioned and add Homeland. Those three I gave up on after some time in.

I'm not dumb enough to watch Family Guy.

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We are in a tv golden age.  If you hated Breaking Bad, I almost feel you are being obstinate.


Mad Men, I thought, was fantastic as well.  It had a soapy feel at times, but I loved the plot lines.  And there has never been a show that was just so visually stimulating, the dress of the '60s, the gorgeous people... What a treat to watch this show.



This was not a key plot line, but when showed his kids (really just his daughter) where he grew up (a whorehouse), to help her understand him... man, that is great tv.  And always with the perfect song accompanyment at the end.


What a richly textured show... here was the protagonist, who had practically every woman at his beck and call, and yet, his daughter saw right through him.  Great stuff.



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i gave up on Lost and Mad Men.


i gave up on NCIS for a while but have started watching again. Law & Order SVU has run its course with me, though it was a well done show in its prime.


the Big Bang Theory is a funny premise (nerds trying to cope in a non-nerd world), but sheldon is one of the all time most annoying characters on tv. a little bit of him goes an extremely long way, and i can't really watch it anymore because of him.

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We are in a tv golden age.  If you hated Breaking Bad, I almost feel you are being obstinate.


Mad Men, I thought, was fantastic as well.  It had a soapy feel at times, but I loved the plot lines.  And there has never been a show that was just so visually stimulating, the dress of the '60s, the gorgeous people... What a treat to watch this show.



This was not a key plot line, but when showed his kids (really just his daughter) where he grew up (a whorehouse), to help her understand him... man, that is great tv.  And always with the perfect song accompanyment at the end.


What a richly textured show... here was the protagonist, who had practically every woman at his beck and call, and yet, his daughter saw right through him.  Great stuff.


I see it differently.  To me it was just a soap opera that beat you over the head with "hey its the 60s... get it, 60s" with the whole treating women like second class people and smoking inside etc etc.  I get the feeling that after every scene the director let off a hearty chuckle and thought to himself, "damn, that was so 60s" just like the Big Bang Theory where at the end of every scene they are like "hahahahaha so funny we are so nerdy"


My wife loved it, I fell asleep during so many of the episodes and the rest just went in another room.

Edited by nate
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if you hate seasons 1-9 you're a monster. if you hate seasons about 13 to now, you're right. the ones between are meh

id even move it back from season 9 a bit...i think seasons 3-4 are the peak.

Same as married with children. Forst 4 or 5 seasons were great, then it kind of fell off for me

Edited by ten ocho recon scout
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