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How many hamburgers?


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I'd wager that I could knock down 10 double doubles

Note - I don't like birdfood on my burgers. Just meat, cheese, ketchup and mustard.

I get in those moods for just the basics, no cheese.

In high school we did a Tommy's double cheese challenge and I tapped out half way into the third. It's always the scrawny Kobayashi type guys that win those, ours was Brad Spaulding that crammed down five. He was one sick guy on the way back, thankfully we didn't take my car.

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I get in those moods for just the basics, no cheese.

In high school we did a Tommy's double cheese challenge and I tapped out half way into the third. It's always the scrawny Kobayashi type guys that win those, ours was Brad Spaulding that crammed down five. He was one sick guy on the way back, thankfully we didn't take my car.


Tommy's is so greasy compared to some others so I could see that.


Damn, now I want a chili burger from Tommy's.

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I have no idea but if I had to guess I could eat five double doubles. Although I'd prefer Double Singles (2 meat-1 cheese). I would probably get them ketchup and grilled onions only. If you ever want to taste how good hamburger can taste order a Double Single Plain.

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I have no idea but if I had to guess I could eat five double doubles. Although I'd prefer Double Singles (2 meat-1 cheese). I would probably get them ketchup and grilled onions only. If you ever want to taste how good hamburger can taste order a Double Single Plain.

Double single lettuce only is all I ever order. Double double is a little too cheesey.

I bet you can't eat five double doubles. I have a friend who could absolutely grub, and he once knocked down three double doubles, a cheeseburger, and a large root beer. But that was a stretch for even him.

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Double single lettuce only is all I ever order. Double double is a little too cheesey.

I bet you can't eat five double doubles. I have a friend who could absolutely grub, and he once knocked down three double doubles, a cheeseburger, and a large root beer. But that was a stretch for even him.

Maybe you're right, but keep in mind I have eaten thousands of these things in my life. I eat them and it may sound crazy but it's almost more a habit than actually to feed myself. I've had three Double Doubles with everything one night and it wasn't all that difficult.

In high school I would eat two quarter pounders, 10 piece nugget, large fry and a large coke.

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Yeah what are we talking about here, Tank? Like tiny fastfood burgers? quarter-pounders?

Your choice of burgers, big guy, although it seems to have reduced itself to a discussion about how many double-doubles.

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There are meatless alternatives that don't contain soy. I understand, people love their meat. Nothing's going to change that.

The Cheesecake Factory has a really good veggie burger without soy. I like mine with BBQ sauce, onions, and cole slaw.

My standard burger at home is cheese, onions, ketchup and a little mustard. Once in awhile I'll dance on the razors edge and add pickles.

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How many times do you wipe after you pee, Glen?

Ha ha, dick.

Seriously though...I have no problem with chowing down but I'd have to drop a healthy deuce to get down more than two burgers.

That said, the more I think about it I remember some times at parties my cousin catered that I threw a few dogs and a burger down my gullet so my estimate of two may be low by half. I'm thinking on a full stomach.

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