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Scott Walker signs bill protecting him from corruption investigation

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This law is part of a general corruption-enhancing effort that has its roots in a decision by the state's Supreme Court last July that not only ended an investigation into Walker's 2012 re-election campaign, but also declared the kind of coordination between campaigns and "outside" groups to be legal, and then ordered all the evidence gathered in the investigation to be destroyed. At least two of the justices ruling on this case had been the beneficiaries in their own campaigns from the same "independent" groups that were the subject of the case in the first place. They refused to recuse themselves. In addition to the law killing off the John Doe process, Walker's pet legislature also has proposed new laws that would turn the state's independent Government Accountability Board from a nonpartisan body through which independent retired judges evaluate the performance of government officials to a board whose members are appointed by the governor, and one that would make the rubble bounce on what's left of the state's campaign-finance laws.

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Diplomatic immunity or a better term impunity. Maybe, Nate, your state will demand a recall of the law through a public outrage and petition. Also they should petition a demand for a recall election of what they have to call a corrupt Governor and state senate that would have the audacity to give themselves protection from corruption probes.


Brian was laughed at when he was proclaiming a revolution was near but now it seems Wisconsin needs to lead the charge and start purging their own legislature and start over, even rewriting their own constitution if necessary. Otherwise you have lost self governance, kind of like here in California.

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