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I had no idea where ALCS Game 3 was on last night


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I follow the Angels; I wouldn't call myself a huge baseball fan otherwise, but I knew that Texas KC was up 2-0, I knew that big Fox carried games one and two and I was pretty sure game three would be Monday night.


I'm not an idiot.  At 6:30, I go to channel 11.  No game.  Nothing on TBS (understanding they are carrying the NLCS).  Nope.  Give it one final try with MLB network.  Nope.  Oh well.  The Monday Night Football game was kind of competitive, and that's where I landed.


I am not writing this to say I am too cool for baseball.  I gave it a decent effort to find the game, and failed.  I flat out forgot about Fs1, even though I had watched some previous playoff games there.


I cannot be the only one this happened to.  Or am I?

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It's not that hard to go to www.mlb.com to see what channel the game is on.  


If you are really into it, it isn't hard at all.  Hell, I could have gotten up, gone across the house, and found it in the morning paper.  I didn't do that either.  NFL was on.  Good enough for me.


When they describe the horrid national ratings for the postseason, the fact that normal functioning humans have to go searching for the games, has to play a small part.

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If only we had some sort of handheld device that we could look up information in cases like this .....


If you are really into it, it isn't hard at all.  Hell, I could have gotten up, gone across the house, and found it in the morning paper.  I didn't do that either.  NFL was on.  Good enough for me.

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So theres this thing called the internet. Its actually kind of useful.


If you are really into it, it isn't hard at all.  Hell, I could have gotten up, gone across the house, and found it in the morning paper.  I didn't do that either.  NFL was on.  Good enough for me.

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azangle was "common courtesy" guy.




The "Common Courtesy" thread was in reference to the Lakers Playoff score being posted in a thread title.


Q: Which poster made the offending post with the score in the thread title?


(The first correct answer will receive a "like" on their post from me (it's quite an honor).  Unless I don't like you, then I'll send you a PM telling you to go f**k yourself).

Edited by the dude abides
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