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this has always been a bullshit narrative.  In what world other then the one crazy neocons believe exist would the State Department actively seek to prevent help from getting to its agents.  The rhetoric and tone of the politics in this country has completely gone off the rails.  The entire scandalization of the Benghazi tragedy is "SURPISE" a big game to sabotage Hilary Clinton.  Who btw is the least idealogically zealous candidate we have to pick from.

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this has always been a bullshit narrative.  In what world other then the one crazy neocons believe exist would the State Department actively seek to prevent help from getting to its agents.  The rhetoric and tone of the politics in this country has completely gone off the rails.  The entire scandalization of the Benghazi tragedy is "SURPISE" a big game to sabotage Hilary Clinton.  Who btw is the least idealogically zealous candidate we have to pick from.

I haven't really followed the Benghazi thing, but your point is that the government wouldn't sacrifice a couple of soldiers to try to hide or limit embarrassment. Is that correct?

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Maybe his point is that we've had way more Benghazi investigations than we've had 9/11 or Iraq war investigations combined. Maybe his point is how the focus of the investigations shifted to Hillary once we got closer to the next election.

If I was to put words into his mouth.

Edited by Glen
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Maybe his point is that we've had way more Benghazi investigations than we've had 9/11 or Iraq war investigations combined. Maybe his point is how the focus of the investigations shifted to Hillary once we got closer to the next election.

If I was to put words into his mouth.

This absolutely true and is politically motivated. That doesn't mean it isn't valid to investigate.
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Updated 3:52 PM ET, Sat November 22, 2014



An investigative report prepared by the House Intelligence Committee finds little to support questions raised about CIA actions on the ground in Benghazi, Libya, the night of a deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound.

Read the full report

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.

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This absolutely true and is politically motivated. That doesn't mean it isn't valid to investigate.



I agree, but how many investigations do we need?  It's been investigated. 


Once again, four dead in Benghazi and we've had at least six investigations, none of them producing anything.  Thousands upon thousands dead on 9/11 and in the Iraq war, and we've had one investigation.  It's ridiculous.  

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Updated 3:52 PM ET, Sat November 22, 2014



An investigative report prepared by the House Intelligence Committee finds little to support questions raised about CIA actions on the ground in Benghazi, Libya, the night of a deadly 2012 attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound.

Read the full report

The final report, from Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, and ranking member Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Maryland, concludes there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration.




And yet we're still gonna hear "stand down" and "what does it matter?" over and over and over, and over.  

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I agree, but how many investigations do we need?  It's been investigated. 


Once again, four dead in Benghazi and we've had at least six investigations, none of them producing anything.  Thousands upon thousands dead on 9/11 and in the Iraq war, and we've had one investigation.  It's ridiculous.  

So, if you're looking at matching ratios, that means that we need to have about 5000 more investigations into 9/11, just to make it fair (1.5 investigations per life lost).

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