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Fox + the NRA = D-U-M

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Imagine that, exercising their 1st amendment rights . F*** the NRA! I agree about Fox News being one of the worst. Forget about rapists, child molesters, murderers and gangs, they ain't s*** compared to Fox News and their brand of evil. 

Edited by Angels N Skins
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FOX News keeps rubes ignorant and voting Republican against their economic interests because...Jesus!

I'm a teacher so dems do take care of my economic interests.how do they take care of yours? Also, what about all of the millionaires and billionaires who vote dem? Why is it OK for them to vote against their interests?

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I'm a teacher so dems do take care of my economic interests.how do they take care of yours? Also, what about all of the millionaires and billionaires who vote dem? Why is it OK for them to vote against their interests?


Same reason many movie stars are liberals. It is possible that some people don't always vote for their own interests. I'd like to think that if I were a billionaire I'd still believe that the very wealthy should be taxed a much higher percent. If I didn't, well, I'd be a hypocrite.


I also imagine that some billionaires actually care about the environment and the future of the planet, thus would vote/donate Democrat.

Edited by Angelsjunky
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Very conservative around here. Everyone blasted Obama for not making a visit right away or inviting families to the White House. Then when they announced he was coming they said they didn't want him here. Any anti gun talk was politicizing it too soon then when he showed up they were out there embarrassing all of Southern Oregon.

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