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Another DUI Murder (St. Louis)

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You mean like the gun control laws that have been passed?  Like the Brady bill?


yes some law passed 20 some odd years ago. yet today they can't do anything about possibly stemming some of the issues going on because there are too many small dicked people out there who need their assault rifles. 'merica. 

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Tank...you remember that conversation about how it just wasn't possible to have a discussion regarding gun control...that one side of was completely unwilling...bright shiny objects and all that crap.


It was cool that Geoff volunteered to give us an example to highlight one of the strategies used.

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If I went to the liquor store and had 10 cases of Crown Royal and another 8 of Fireball it would be no problem if they said, nope, one bottle each is all you get.  Gun people load up whatever their scared existence needs.  I see Geoff's point but I have a hard time aligning the two together. 

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If I went to the liquor store and had 10 cases of Crown Royal and another 8 of Fireball it would be no problem if they said, nope, one bottle each is all you get.  Gun people load up whatever their scared existence needs.  I see Geoff's point but I have a hard time aligning the two together. 


and most people who own guns would feel the same way about not being able to buy 4 guns at once.  You use the term "gun people" as if they are all in lock step.


Crap, I don't even own a gun but I believe in the right to do so.

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Good point MT, "gun people" was likely off there. I don't own one either and prohibition was probably a good example.  They actually took it away and all hell broke loose.  Guns though are not being taken away but just in peoples minds is making all hell break loose. 

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and what laws have been passed to stop people being killed by DUI drivers?


Point is there is only so far you can go and everyone has their own things they don't want to give up.


Over the decades the laws against driving under the influence have been continuously revised. The number of drunk driving deaths has been cut in half since 1980 (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration FARS data, 2012.)


In the early 1980s, when grass-roots safety groups brought attention to drunk driving, many states required a 0.15 BAC rate to demonstrated intoxication.

But over the next 24 years, Mothers Against Drunk Driving and other groups pushed states to adopt the 0.08 BAC standard, the last state falling in line in 2004.

The number of alcohol-related highway fatalities, meanwhile, dropped from 20,000 in 1980 to 9,878 in 2011, the NTSB said.



So, maybe there is some evidence to support that stricter laws, and better enforcement of said laws, does actually help reduce the number of deaths

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The evidence about stricter DUI laws reducing the number of deaths is debatable.  Statistics have shown that over 50% of people who get one DUI will get another one and over 50% of people who get that first DUI have no problem driving on a suspended license.  The exact numbers are of course debatable but the point is I think awareness has as much to do with it as the laws themselves.  Kind of like Angels N Skins alluded to on page 1 poor behavior, stupidity or flat out negligence isn't fixed by laws.    

Edited by Catwhoshatinthehat
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