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Star Wars Battlefront beta ?


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its available now for PS4 and XB1 users now for sure, not sure about PC but I believe it is as well.  On PS4 it can be downloaded from the PS store battlefront page.  Scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see the beta download link.  It will be available to play until the 12th.  Has anyone else had a chance to check it out yet ?  Ive played the single player mission mode a few times and the game is as advertised from a visuals point of view.  It looks awesome and is super authentic to the Star Wars universe.  Cant really emphasis enough how impressive the game is right now from an audio video persepctive.  It really does make you feel like your in the middle of a star wars battle during the original trilogy.  The frame rate also struck me as impressive, on the missions at least.  The game controls well, had no problems there.  In addition I thought the AI even on normal while not terrible challenging for someone who plays FPS games regularly was sufficiently challenging.  I noticed them attempting to flank etc.  Its a thrill taking on an AT-ST, again the sounds are awesome here.  


In terms of cons, I only played the game for about 30 mins (ill jump in again later tonight) I did have an issue connecting to play multiplayer.  It would not let me access either of the available modes.  Drop Zone and Walker Assault I believe they were called.  It would put me into the lobby then disconnect me as the game launched, saying that my "connection to EA servers was lost" Im not sure if others are encountering this issue.  I did a brief hunt but didn't find anything quickly.  I'll look into it more later.


Would love to hear some other opinions, and definitely let me know if interested in playing online.  Enjoy!

Edited by UndertheHalo
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I'll be jumping on tomorrow. 

Heard a few negative things, but I still think it'll be a day one purchase.


The Black Ops 3 beta was fun, but had a lot of latency/lag issues and I doubt will be fixed at all(no dedicated servers).


I'm looking forward to Halo the most.

Edited by Poozy
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