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Where did the runs go?


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Whether the 2014 lineup overachieved and the 2015 lineup played to their capabilites, or the 2014 lineup played to their capabilities and the 2015 lineup underachieved, here's the difference in runs created (R+RBI-HR)


2014                2015


C 118               C 91 (-23%)

1B 154            1B 124 (-19%)

2B 152             2B 110 (-28%)

3B 122            3B 118 (-3%)

SS 143             SS 117 (-18%)

LF 125             LF 92 (-26%)

CF 193             CF 153 (-21%)

RF 165             RF 138 (-16%)

DH 142             DH 121 (-15%)


Other than David Freese pretty much duplicating what he is at this point in his career, the rest was pretty ugly. Unless you've got a  Gold Glover out in LF turning a bunch of extra base hits into outs, 92 runs created there would probably still be a disaster.


Spots in the lineup


2014               2015


1 168              1 135 (-20%)

2 199              2 149 (-25%)

3 174              3 152 (-13%)

4 142              4 139 (-2%)

5 146              5 130 (-11%)

6 138              6 98 (-29%)

7 135              7 105 (-22%)

8 122              8 99  (-19%)

9 123              9 99 (-20%)


Albert was pretty much what Albert is at this point in his career. Anybody who watched this team knew that the offense was an absolute black hole after the 5 spot. Pretty bad when the 6 spot in the lineup is the least productive. Makes it almost impossible to sustain any sort of rallies and is probably the reason Trout didn't lead the league in runs scored for the first time.

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We lost out on a lot of runs due to running into outs, killing rallies by making an unnecessary play for an extra base, ending innings with outs at 3B, home, etc.

I'd enjoy seeing actual metrics on that. I'm old school. Aggressive baserunning is baseball 101 IMO.

As I recall it actually fluctuates fairly heavily from year to year no?

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OBP is not the enemy!

And walks are NOT a false stat.   (What else do you expect from a guy who never walked when he was a MLB player?)


I'm not saying we should be like the early 2000s A'th, who usually stumbled in the post-season by taking pitch after pitch against better pitchers.

They just need to stop being so freaking aggressive on pitches out of their zone.    They make it faaar too easy for opposing pitchers.

Edited by Angel Oracle
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As I wrote in another thread, with the exception of the ability to hit home runs, this is Sosh's worst offensive team he's ever had.  Worst in batting average, lowest OBP, fewest runs scored, and fewest stolen bases.


The total number of unnecessary outs on base is actually one fewer than last season, so I doubt that's a primary reason.  The 176 home runs they hit is also their third most during Sosh's tenure, so they obviously hit a lot of solo shots.

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The 176 home runs they hit is also their third most during Sosh's tenure, so they obviously hit a lot of solo shots.>>>

Almost 1/2 of those coming from 2 spots (#'s 3 and 4) in the lineup.

A legit leadoff hitter would make a huge difference.

I can't believe the team played as well as it did down the stretch with Aybar leading off most games.

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I'd enjoy seeing actual metrics on that. I'm old school. Aggressive baserunning is baseball 101 IMO.

As I recall it actually fluctuates fairly heavily from year to year no?

Someone did this in another thread (you know, the one about Scioscia). It just looked at this year, but it seemed pretty clear that the Angels weren't good in this regard. 3rd most outs on the bases (with fewer opportunities) and very marginal gains in scoring plays.

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Someone did this in another thread (you know, the one about Scioscia). It just looked at this year, but it seemed pretty clear that the Angels weren't good in this regard. 3rd most outs on the bases (with fewer opportunities) and very marginal gains in scoring plays.


Thanks, but that's no surprise to me. I'd like to see year to year. 

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Someone did this in another thread (you know, the one about Scioscia). It just looked at this year, but it seemed pretty clear that the Angels weren't good in this regard. 3rd most outs on the bases (with fewer opportunities) and very marginal gains in scoring plays.


That someone was me and I will look into that at some point when I can find the time. My conclusion for this year was essentially that it worked against them much more than it helped.

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Maybe Trout should lead off?






If Trout is leading off next year then we have failed. 


He should've been leading off this year, but that is something I've only figured in hind sight, because our production from guys in front of him was atrocious. 


#2 is the ideal spot for him, but in his desire to shake things up and create some offense Scioscia mistakingly moved him to 3rd when he should have moved him to 1st. 

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If Trout is leading off next year then we have failed.

He should've been leading off this year, but that is something I've only figured in hind sight, because our production from guys in front of him was atrocious.

#2 is the ideal spot for him, but in his desire to shake things up and create some offense Scioscia mistakingly moved him to 3rd when he should have moved him to 1st.

I'd like him to leadoff. He's more of a balanced player at leadoff, but #2 would be great as well. Edited by failos
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