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Parthenon Rankings?


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Well you have to go back a ways and start with the Pantherian which was based on the idea that all stats related to run differential and park nuetralizing is like a big panther with four paws and a tail. Offshoots of the paws are the claws but I don't want to belabor the details but just think of strikeouts, hits, errors by Freese and walks as part of the apendages and the the tail of course is managers inconstant use of the hit and run and contact play by which way the tail curves.


Later they abandoned the Panther because, well you know, Cats. Screw them they are for lonely women on facebook that have nothing else in their lives. So they adjusted everything to represent the Parthenon in Greece with columns and statuary to determine power rankings. I think they went too far using statues with broken arms to represent pitcher on the DL but we are talking extreme geeks that were willing to use cats before.


So you have pillars, statues, pavers and of course foundation and roof but essentially what you are doing is trying to construct the team like the Parthenon and the level of the teams accomplishments represents the finish level of the structure. It takes the physical math and turns it into a visual that pretty much explains itself. The more quality stone or marble involved the better you structure or team.


Here is an example of the Angels and Dipoto at work.



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Well you have to go back a ways and start with the Pantherian which was based on the idea that all stats related to run differential and park nuetralizing is like a big panther with four paws and a tail. Offshoots of the paws are the claws but I don't want to belabor the details but just think of strikeouts, hits, errors by Freese and walks as part of the apendages and the the tail of course is managers inconstant use of the hit and run and contact play by which way the tail curves.

Later they abandoned the Panther because, well you know, Cats. Screw them they are for lonely women on facebook that have nothing else in their lives. So they adjusted everything to represent the Parthenon in Greece with columns and statuary to determine power rankings. I think they went too far using statues with broken arms to represent pitcher on the DL but we are talking extreme geeks that were willing to use cats before.

So you have pillars, statues, pavers and of course foundation and roof but essentially what you are doing is trying to construct the team like the Parthenon and the level of the teams accomplishments represents the finish level of the structure. It takes the physical math and turns it into a visual that pretty much explains itself. The more quality stone or marble involved the better you structure or team.

Here is an example of the Angels and Dipoto at work.


It was almost worth being devoured by this panther of a season, just for this post.


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