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Angels' Historic Comeback

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from ESPN:



The last time a team came back by 4 runs down in the 9th inning on the road was June 25, 2012 when the Cardinals beat the Marlins. Since that day, teams had lost 1,761 consecutive games when trailing by 4 runs in the 9th inning on the road.

Edited by fan_since79
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Best one since this day in Angels history....I was at this game and left early.

Never again.




"I've seen a few of them over the years and that's lots and lots of years," Angel Manager Gene Mauch said, "but I don't think I've ever seen anything like that one. In fact, I know I haven't.


"That's an all-timer, boys. That's an all-timer right there."


Sucks, man. That one must sting. 

Edited by failos
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I was also at the infamous Donnie Moore game vs the Redsox later that same that season.

Walking down the ramps after that game, it was pure silence. Like being at a golf tournament, You would never think that that many people could be so quiet.

It all came full circle in the WS, and I went to every game at home that WS, so that raucous experience was a healing thing for my baseball soul. 


Today's game ranks right in there... those of you that are young will mark my words when you get older.

These kind of games stick with you as long as you live.  

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I was also at the infamous Donnie Moore game vs the Redsox later that same that season.

Walking down the ramps after that game, it was pure silence. Like being at a golf tournament, You would never think that that many people could be so quiet.

It all came full circle in the WS, and I went to every game at home that WS, so that raucous experience was a healing thing for my baseball soul.

Today's game ranks right in there... those of you that are young will mark my words when you get older.

These kind of games stick with you as long as you live.


I was there as well. Took 16 years to purge that curse from my soul.

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Too bad Arizona could'nt make that comback yesterday be REALLY meaningfull in the playoff picture.

I'm not very optomistic they will play any better today, but at least there is hope.

Maybe the Dbacks can replay some video the dogs peeing in their pool, and grow some nugs before todays game.

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That had to be a gut-wrenching loss for the TEX fans yesterday.

But they're still going to the playoffs, and in all liklihood they will win the division.

I suspect by day's end it will be the Angels fans who are sad.

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