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funny i missed it.   even taped it while watching.   rangers on way to 10 runs i watched a few key at bats after then deleted the game being taped...it was so frigging ugly i almost flung my remote at the tv.   went online a half hr later and see headlines of historic comeback :)   just wow...i will quit watching for rest of year if that is what it takes :)     when they won the world series they lost every time we weren't watching at chilies...so of course we had to keep that up....not much of sacrafice...love chilies.      we are hitting that is different then last year at this time.     

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It's funny OC I took the opposite route. I peeked in early and watched them go up 5-1 then left. Checked in online and saw them ahead 6-5 but Texas had runners at the corners and I decided NOT to go check back in because I thought I'd put bad eyes on them. Then my wife informed me they were behind and I decided "Hey this is my team and I'm with them to the bitter end!" and sat down to watch them enter the 8th down 10-6.


I almost never pray to God for anything non-life threatening related but I asked him if I had any extra credit left in the tank to throw it the Halos way and he and the team came through and I watched every nail-biting moment and screamed when they tied it and picked up my wife in a bear hug when they won it.


Absolutely tremendous comeback victory and no matter what happens I'm proud of the team for not giving up on that game or on themselves. Truly awesome day to be an Angels fan.


Go Halos!

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funny....i would save the praying for important things.   like at a poker table when you are all in on a 10k pot or even health if need be.


i am frigging fed up with all the errors...i tend to quit watching as soon as they start.   our pitchers can barely be in a game without them happening.


need HOU to go down tonight


maybe if they do texas won't pitch hammels...if they win....all games start at same time tomorrow so no saving players exist....good rule...hope it doesn't bite us.

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