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Richards is as good as he'll get IMO


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Richards pitched well enough to win today, but too many balls.  So at 108 pitches after 6, Scioscia auto-removal procedure is implemented.  Then the fun started and ended with bases loaded, Voyt down 2 strikes because he couldn't catch up to Gott's fastball.  So what does Scioscia do?...calls for an offspeed pitch which Gott floats in.  Flucking brilliant.


Only exceeded by Pujols flailing in the 9th, determined not to walk and move Trout to scoring position.

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Richards pitched well enough to win today, but too many balls.  So at 108 pitches after 6, Scioscia auto-removal procedure is implemented.  Then the fun started and ended with bases loaded, Voyt down 2 strikes because he couldn't catch up to Gott's fastball.  So what does Scioscia do?...calls for an offspeed pitch which Gott floats in.  Flucking brilliant.


Only exceeded by Pujols flailing in the 9th, determined not to walk and move Trout to scoring position.


Hate to burst your bubble, but Scioscia doesn't call pitches, but he does send signals to the catcher on whether to pitch out, throw over, or otherwise handle the base runners.  We've been through this about a hundred times.

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This is ridiculous, but kind of what I expect from these boards after a loss.  Richards has some of the best stuff in baseball.  He has command issues, but thats what happens when you throw high 90's with more movement and spin than any other pitcher in the game (even statcast has confirmed this).  Richards took years to find his control and before he could even get a year under his belt he got injured.  You thought he was just going to bounce back and be just as good as the year before?  How often does that happen?  He has still been solid and has posted a 73% quality start rate (exactly what he posted last year).  He's still young and has only 600 IP in the majors.  Chill out.

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Richards will grow into a top 10 pitcher very soon. People forget about his season ending injury and the fact he was out for the first month of the season getting healthy enough to pitch in games. SP's who throw 95 with the movement he has are rare. I expect him to be the Angels #1 starter unless they go sign a Price level pitcher. People need to stop being prisoner of the moment and start thinking long term.

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Seems like some people need a few baseball history lessons.


Pitchers are made, not born.


Sandy Koufax



5 years..




Sandy Koufax


5 years




seasons of 25 (63) 26 (65) and 27 (66) wins in his 7th 9th and 10th seasons.

4 no hitters and a perfect game.

Multiple Cy Youngs..3 in the era when there was 1 Cy Young winner for both leagues.

137 complete games..

On and On And On..


Not saying Richards should be compared to the "Left Arm Of God"...but geez, to say any pitcher of Richards caliber is "as good as he will get" at this point in his pitching career is not only comical, it's just plain ignoring baseball history. 

Edited by Homebrewer
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Hate to burst your bubble, but Scioscia doesn't call pitches, but he does send signals to the catcher on whether to pitch out, throw over, or otherwise handle the base runners.  We've been through this about a hundred times.


Link?  I believe the jury is out on whether Scioscia calls all/none of the pitches, but most opinion I've read indicates he does call pitches on occasion, more often in crucial situations (like bases loaded in a tie game, fighting for a WC spot perhaps).  Anyway, to state Scioscia doesn't call pitches (implied ever) is just as unlikely as stating he does all the time (which I didn't).

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