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Mariners Broadcast is Pro-Angel.

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Listened to it while I watched both games on the computer today.  They had nothing but good things to say....


1. "Dipoto is a classy professional, coming from a classy organization".  I thought that was putting it kindly. 


2. "I think the men on the field and many Mariners fans wouldn't mind seeing the Astros lose here and the Angels overtake the Wild Card."  This could just be talking about an M's win. 


3. "(Carson Smith is in the game) You know who reminds me a lot of Smith is that Gott kid down in Anaheim. (Audible "whew") have you seen that kid?  My goodness, he's gonna be good.  The way he spins that ball.  He has to be their closer now right?  They also have that Morin kid with the really good change up."


There were a few other, but they just really seemed to be painting the Angels in a positive light.  There were sure to note that it was only fitting that Mark Trumbo and Shawn O'Malley (former Angels) came up with the big hits that would put the M's ahead and the angels into the Wild Card 2 spot. 


I also enjoy Texas' broadcast team, San Francisco's, Vin Scully (of course), Baltimore and San Diego's is also very good.  Ones I can't stand, Chicago, Houston, New York and Boston. 

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Listened to it while I watched both games on the computer today. They had nothing but good things to say....

1. "Dipoto is a classy professional, coming from a classy organization". I thought that was putting it kindly.

2. "I think the men on the field and many Mariners fans wouldn't mind seeing the Astros lose here and the Angels overtake the Wild Card." This could just be talking about an M's win.

3. "(Carson Smith is in the game) You know who reminds me a lot of Smith is that Gott kid down in Anaheim. (Audible "whew") have you seen that kid? My goodness, he's gonna be good. The way he spins that ball. He has to be their closer now right? They also have that Morin kid with the really good change up."

There were a few other, but they just really seemed to be painting the Angels in a positive light. There were sure to note that it was only fitting that Mark Trumbo and Shawn O'Malley (former Angels) came up with the big hits that would put the M's ahead and the angels into the Wild Card 2 spot.

I also enjoy Texas' broadcast team, San Francisco's, Vin Scully (of course), Baltimore and San Diego's is also very good. Ones I can't stand, Chicago, Houston, New York and Boston.

Watched both games tonight and I concur with you regarding all of your points on the Ms broadcast team on Dipoto and the Angels.

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Honestly I think it's just mutual disrespect for Texas. I mean come on. The AL West has been a constant Seattle/Anaheim/Oakland rivalry since it was reinvented in the early 90's. 


The Rangers came on the scene a few years back and were finally good so I'm sure we've all had to put up with their brain dead fans on the message boards. Houston is an NL doormat stockpiling top picks with chronic losses to the Cardinals and virtually every other NL team - which didn't do us much good. Now here they are looking like the mid 90's Mariners all of a sudden... f them.


Also can't stand the Royals. Their announcers are terrible... it's amazing to think we put up with them so long. Turn them on for a few minutes and you're more likely to hear Hudler complain than you are to see a hit. 

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The 1995 Angels saved baseball in Seattle >>>

I doubt many here will know how true that statement is. I was working on a Seattle based Alaskan salmon seiner that summer, and my 4 crewmates and skipper were all from Seattle. We listened to every game that summer, and down the stretch as the Halos went into the famous swoon, I lost a wad of cash while sitting in the Ballard bars after we got back to Seattle ...but I digress...

There was serious talk by MLB of eliminating the Mariners franchise.

That Angels collapse probably did save baseball in Seattle.

They should be grateful.

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The 1995 Angels saved baseball in Seattle >>>

I doubt many here will know how true that statement is. I was working on a Seattle based Alaskan salmon seiner that summer, and my 4 crewmates and skipper were all from Seattle. We listened to every game that summer, and down the stretch as the Halos went into the famous swoon, I lost a wad of cash while sitting in the Ballard bars after we got back to Seattle ...but I digress...

There was serious talk by MLB of eliminating the Mariners franchise.

That Angels collapse probably did save baseball in Seattle.

They should be grateful.


There was a lot more talk of eliminating the Angels than Seattle 

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Seems like Seattle fans were happy about beating Houston. No reason why as well, considering it's just raising their draft pick up the boards.


because alot of the fans wanted the Mariners to be in contention and not see some team like Houston come flying out of nowhere doing so well all the sudden over night. Also theres the West coast vs Texas thing. Both Texas teams were on top of the division.

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