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As long as you're taking the exact right amount of pleasure from it.

Well, I for one am. Now I am assuming if there was a way to measure it, HB would say it is too much, but for my level of satisfaction, it's pretty close to perfect. If you can't control your emotions, or if you are so fed up you have to threaten a self ban to "magically" get your team to perform better, I don't really know what to say. Before AO's last ban, I wanted to make a friendly wager with him about the Angels final record, I can't remember the exact number AO was saying, 78 or 79 wins. I wanted to bet him $100 donation to the Miracle League, but I don't think he ever saw it because he was self banned an hour or so later. At least that is a mojo type bet that would go to a good cause. I am sure AO and now Lux will miss being here, I just don't think I would do that to myself, I like posting here too much.

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Well, I for one am. Now I am assuming if there was a way to measure it, HB would say it is too much, but for my level of satisfaction, it's pretty close to perfect. If you can't control your emotions, or if you are so fed up you have to threaten a self ban to "magically" get your team to perform better, I don't really know what to say. Before AO's last ban, I wanted to make a friendly wager with him about the Angels final record, I can't remember the exact number AO was saying, 78 or 79 wins. I wanted to bet him $100 donation to the Miracle League, but I don't think he ever saw it because he was self banned an hour or so later. At least that is a mojo type bet that would go to a good cause. I am sure AO and now Lux will miss being here, I just don't think I would do that to myself, I like posting here too much.


AO self banned himself again???

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