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UK judge allows mother to end the life of her severely disabled 12-year-old daughter

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Heartbreaking. I honestly don't know where I stand on this issue. I do think it sets a very dangerous precedent, and I strongly question the method used to end the girl's life: slowly remove fluids over 14 days until she died of starvation. That seems inhumane beyond belief.

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"screaming and writhing in pain"

there are more humane euthanaisia methods used in the us.

From what I got after reading the article, the screaming and such was from the operation gone bad and not during the two week method. As Jay said, it supposedly isn't a painful way to go. But why not inject her with Nembutal? It's another painless way to go and she would have passed within the hour. Oh well, perhaps the doctors knew something we AW experts aren't aware of.

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the greater ethical question: is it our decision as human beings to decide when death should occur?

it opens a real pandoras box of legal, religious and moral issues. for me, the key is to stay objective and realize when my personal opinions  and emotions cloud the advocacy process as relates the kid and her family. its THIER decision. not the courts or anybody elses.

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"It’s legal for parents to murder their children because they’re disabled, because they can’t speak for themselves, because the parent has decided that their lives are not worth living anymore. And we call it death with dignity."

I stopped at lifenews

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"It’s legal for parents to murder their children because they’re disabled, because they can’t speak for themselves, because the parent has decided that their lives are not worth living anymore. And we call it death with dignity."


last week i took some grief here because of an article i posted that said a growing number of college students were okay with after-birth abortions up to age 5. it wasn't a scientifically researched gathering of data, but it pointed out that there are people who believe in the concept. 


death with dignity is one thing, but people taking into their own hands the decision to end the life of someone who is sick or disabled or a burden is a wrong that society cannot tolerate.

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Scoffing at religion would be posting a picture of a gingerbread man cookie hanging from a cross. If my comment was perceived as a scoffing remark, that wasn't my intent. Just pointing out that it would factor into the decision for some.

I'm Agnostic... I believe that some form of afterlife may or may not exist. If we're going by the textbook definition then I suppose I used the word peace too loosely. Whatever happens after this life, even if it is nothing, I believe the mother propelled her daughter to a better fate.

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last week i took some grief here because of an article i posted that said a growing number of college students were okay with after-birth abortions up to age 5. it wasn't a scientifically researched gathering of data, but it pointed out that there are people who believe in the concept.

death with dignity is one thing, but people taking into their own hands the decision to end the life of someone who is sick or disabled or a burden is a wrong that society cannot tolerate.

These are two separate scenarios as framed. I stand by my comments in the earlier thread. These are two separate arguments.

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