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There’s a major reason why Apple bought Beats that almost no one’s talking about


So far we’ve heard a lot of explanations for why Apple decided to spend $3 billion to acquire Beats and most of them have involved getting into the music streaming game or bringing top Beats executive Jimmy Iovine into the fold. However, there is another reason that Apple bought Beats that we may have overlooked: Teenagers actually love Beats headphones.


Business Insider points us to a recent survey conducted by Statista showing that Beats headphones are by far the favorite brand of headphones for American teenagers. In fact, more than 46% of all teens surveyed said they preferred Beats headphones to others while more than 25% said they preferred Apple’s — no other brand of headphones scored higher than 10%. In other words, now that Apple has acquired Beats, it seemingly has the teenage market for headphones cornered.


1. teenagers.

2. disposable income.

3. status symbol.

4. profit. massive profit.


since when are teenagers known for their discerning taste? this is a deal to make gobs and gobs of cash, period.


if you want quality headphones, buy a pair of sennheisers.

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