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Happy Easter!

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Repent, you heathens.


The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead has become a fairy tale to western civilization. Easter egg hunts, new clothes, bunnies and Easter church services are all tolerated as a tip of the hat to an ancient myth. Easter break has become Spring break.
This week, there will be no newscast or media story that states the fate of the world depended upon a political prisoner 2,000 years ago. If Christ had not gone to the cross there would be no human story, no newscast to talk about the events of the day. There would have been no hope given to Adam and Eve after the fall. In all likelihood, humanity would have perished in the great flood. Noah would have been like every other wretched human, believing only in himself. There would have been no ark, no hope for man.
Instead, Jesus chose to be betrayed, falsely accused, tortured, mocked, and murdered. His friends would turn their backs on him. His own Father refused to hear his request to be spared from unspeakable suffering. His country’s religious & political leaders turned on him in hatred. Crowds of people who had only days earlier shouted his praises, rallied as an angry mob demanding his death.
This thirty-something outcast was all that stood between the tsunami of the wrath of God and the destruction of all mankind. So instead of the world being deluged in judgement, the giant waves of wrath fell only upon him. He could have left you to face God’s wrath on your own merit but he chose to pay the horrible price that you deserved to pay.


Edited by Ray McKigney
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